The Office of Research is pleased to announce the 3rd annual Chapman University Grant Writers’ Bootcamp to be held August 17 (all day) – 18 (afternoon). The bootcamp is designed to assist faculty from a variety of disciplines interested in learning about all phases of the grant cycle. Applicants will have the opportunity to learn from their peers through discipline specific mock peer-review panels which will simulate the grant review process. Participants will then be given the opportunity to revise their proposals based on feedback. Following the close of the Grant Writer’s Bootcamp, members of the cohort who complete the process will receive initial funding for their revised project. This award will be treated as a grant at Chapman University.

In addition to the peer review simulation process, workshop topics will cover the entire grant process from proposal development to award management and will include:

  • Elements of a great proposal.
  • Advice from new and successful investigators from a variety of disciplines (Arts, Science, Humanities, Bio-Pharmacy, etc.).
  • Interacting with Program Officers.
  • Working with the Office of Research (Sponsored Project Services, Research Integrity and Commercialization and Industry)

Optional workshops will also be offered exclusively to participants before and after the Bootcamp.

Grant Writers’ Bootcamp proposals will be due Tuesday, June 1 at 5:00 pm. Complete information can be found on the Office of Research Internal Funding Opportunities webpage.

For more information contact Taryn Stroop, Operations Administrator or Tom Piechota, Vice President of Research.