National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Grants for Arts Projects and Challenge America

 Grants for Arts Projects supports arts projects that use the arts to unite and heal in response to current events; celebrate our creativity and cultural heritage; invite mutual respect for differing beliefs and values; and enrich humanity. Challenge America grants offer support primarily to small and mid-sized organizations for projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations — those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability. Although two distinct grant programs, the university may submit only one (1) application for either the Grants for Arts Project or the Challenge America program each year.

Due to these proposal limitations, Chapman will run a limited, internal competition to select which proposal will move forward for submission.

The NEA submission process is a two-step process:

 Grants for Arts Projects

There are two Grants for Arts Projects application deadlines. Note that some disciplines only accept certain project types at each deadline; see the guidelines for your project’s discipline for more information. Applicants may request grants ranging from $10,000 to $100,000. In the past few years, well over half of the agency’s grants have been for amounts less than $25,000. All grants are required to have a 1-1 cost share/ match.

First Deadline: Step 1 ( February 2, 2021 and Step 2 (NEA Portal): February 13-23, 2021. Announcements will be made in November 2021 for projects starting in January 2022.

Second Deadline: Step 1 ( July 8, 2021 and Step 2 (NEA Portal): July 13-20, 2021. Announcements will be made in April 2022 for projects starting in June 2022.

 Challenge America

The guidelines for Challenge America grants will be released in January 2021. Typically Challenge America grants are due in April via a two-step process. Applicants may request grant funds up to $10,000, and must have a 1-1 cost share/ match.

PI Eligible Faculty or Administrators interested in applying should notify Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) via email and note which program (Grants for Arts Projects or Challenge America) by Friday, January 8, 2021.

 NOTE: If multiple requests to submit are received, potential applicants will be asked to provide the following Internal Competition documents:

  1. Major Project Activities (single-spaced, up to 500 words)
  2. Estimated Budget Total, including how you will cover the cost share requirement

Applicants will be notified of selection status on or before Friday, January 15, 2021.

Questions may be directed to