We’re not sure if it was the pleasure of dining with a dynamic group of Chapman alumni and students, or the pasta served in braised rabbit sauce at a great Italian restaurant. But President Jim Doti reports that despite a cold and bad cough he finished this year’s April 18 Boston Marathon with a time of 4:21.

The evening before the marathon President Doti met up with Christopher Kim, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Chemistry, Schmid College of Science. Dr. Kim is spending this year as a visiting scholar at Harvard and stays in touch with several alumni doing graduate work in the area. Dr. Kim arranged for a carbo-loading dinner for everyone at a favorite restaurant. The food was “magnifico” and the company inspiring, President Doti reports.

“Each of these students gave me a briefing on the papers that they would be presenting at various science workshops at Harvard that week. Needless to say, I was bubbling with pride hearing of the rigorous nature of their experiments and research findings,” says President Doti.

The students and their research projects include:

  • Randy Rosales ’12, biochemistry, arsenic and mercury mobilization through rainfall runoff at mine sites.
  • John Stegemeier ’10, chemistry, Ph.D. admit, Carnegie-Mellon University, effects of iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticle aggregation on metal adsorption and desorption.
  • Chris Lentini ’06, chemistry, Ph.D. candidate, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, microbially-mediated iron oxide reduction.
  • David Stack ’10, visual arts, MS ’12, hazards and global environmental change, GIS mapping of arsenic concentrations at mine sites
  • Suzie Shdo ’10, biology arsenic speciation and bioaccessibility in mine wastes through the inhalation pathway.
  • Jessey Francies ’10, biology, ’11 health sciences, leach extractions of arsenic-bearing mine wastes.