Chapman University’s Food Science Student Association welcomes the schools of the Mountain West region for the 28th Annual Area Meeting and College Bowl Competition.

The College Bowl Competition will take place March 8 & 9, 2013 at Chapman University.  In addition to the competition, the Annual Area Meeting will allow students to network with each other and recap on their past school year.  Students from various universities will be tested on a medley of food science topics including:

  • Food Chemistry, Ingredients, Flavors and Analysis
  • Food Microbiology, Safety, and Law
  • Sensory Evaluation and Statistics
  • Culinology and Molecular Gastronomy

The winning team will go on to compete in the national competition at the IFT Annual Meeting and Expo in Chicago in June 2013.  Sponsors for this year’s competition include SCIFTS, McDonalds Corp., Firmenich, Huxtables Kitchen, QTrade Teas & Herbs, and Classic Foods Inc.