Macy DexterChapman’s Student Government Association (SGA) works to represent the interests of students by allocating funding, negotiating with administration, and hosting events. Last month, SGA held its elections for the 2020-2021 school year, and our newest Schmid senator is sophomore Macy Dexter!

Dexter is a biological sciences major from Newport, Oregon, and she is also involved with the pre-law fraternity Kappa Alpha Pi, Residence Life/First-Year Experience, and Student Engagement. 

Dexter was inspired to run for Schmid senator because of the positive ways she’s seen SGA impact the Chapman community during her time as a student. She says, “SGA promotes diversity, inclusivity, awareness, wellbeing, forward-thinking, and many more values that I hold near to my heart. I knew that running for Schmid Senator would further allow me to create an atmosphere attuned to the needs of my peers in Schmid College and the greater Chapman campus.”

As a senator, Dexter will have the opportunity to meet with senators from the other colleges to discuss issues related to the student body. The senators have the power to propose ideas to the SGA and executive board of SGA as a whole, bringing together perspectives from the entire Chapman community to better everyone’s experience. She will also sit on internal and external committees created by SGA, to focus on brainstorming specific topics in more depth. 

Goals as Schmid Senator

Dexter has a number of innovative ideas and goals she hopes to accomplish on SGA. “I hope to create a better-organized system for students to begin research opportunities at Chapman. I know firsthand how challenging it can be to find an educational opportunity fitting both your interests and schedule and how intimidating first taking hold of these opportunities can be. I strive to better educate Schmid students on the research groups we have right on campus and how to take full advantage of them.” Many Schmid students use research to connect with faculty, explore their passions, and boost their resumes for graduate school, so Dexter’s goals closely align with the Schmid student experience.

She is also focused on enhancing the Schmid culture, both through general Schmid programming and an expansion of support for clubs focused on science and technology. Finally, Dexter hopes to focus on career preparedness for the entire student body. She says, “I hope to create engaging opportunities for the entire Chapman body to learn about careers in the STEM field.”

Share Your Ideas

Although SGA is a significant tool for Chapman students, many students still don’t know how SGA operates or how to utilize it. Dexter has a few suggestions for students hoping to better use SGA to improve their Chapman experience. “Know that your voice matters and that I am listening! If you are experiencing an issue or have great ideas for Schmid (or Chapman in general!), I would love to take your input directly to the senate. I can be contacted at I will also be holding office hours throughout the academic year where I would be more than glad to discuss topics of interest.” You can also visit SGA’s website for more information. 

Congratulations Macy! 

Cover photo: Dexter feeding a wolf eel during her time working at the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport, OR