The Annual Computational Sciences Graduate Conference will be held on April 18, 2014 in Von Neumann Hall at 2:00 p.m.

The conference will present the various research interests of students in the School of Computational Sciences and related disciplines, such as the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Food Sciences, and Physical Therapy that make use of computational Methods.  In essence, it will provide students an avenue to present their current academic research and receive valuable feedback.

As an interdisciplinary field, colleagues from all backgrounds are encouraged to attend and participate.

Schedule of Events:
2:00-2:02 Introduction and Welcoming Speech
2:02-2:05 Address by Dr. Michael Fahy, associate dean of the School of Computational Sciences
2:05-2:20 Louis Ehwerhemuepha (School of Computational Science)
2:25-2:40 Kevin James (School of Computational Science)
2:45-3:00 Sherri Verdugo (School of Computational Science)
3:05-3:20 Karen Thang (School of Earth and Environmental Science)
3:20-3:40 Break/Refreshments
3:40-3:55 George Escalante (School of Computational Science)
4:00-4:15 Alex Leipf (School of Computational Science)
4:20-4:35 Chloe Martin (School of Computational Science)
4:40-4:55 Ryan French (School of Computational Science)
5:00- Refreshments