This past summer, biological sciences and chemistry double major Morgan Grimes ’22 traveled to Stockholm, Sweden for the National Science Foundation International Research Experiences for Students (NSF IRES) under the guidance of Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Jerry LaRue.

The NSF IRES: Chapman–Stockholm International Research Experience in Heterogeneous Catalysis is a 10-week summer research experience in Stockholm, Sweden. Each student scholar selected worked with one of four PIs on research focused on green catalytic tar reforming in biomass gasification, with experiments ranging from model-systems to the real-world catalytic reactors.

Grimes reflected on her experience, “I think my favorite parts of the trip were learning about an incredible field of chemistry, physical chemistry and surface science, as well as being able to explore a beautiful country. I had the opportunity to not only spend time gaining experience in a field of science new to me, but I also had ample time to travel the country and see some incredible sites. I was able to learn about a new culture and country and meet some incredible people along the way.”

Dr. Jerry LaRue will be taking another cohort to Sweden this coming summer 2023. Students interested are encouraged to apply. Learn more about this experience and other research opportunities at the Schmid Summer Research Fellowships Information Session on Friday, November 4 from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM in Keck 130.

student scholars