A Change in Career Path

September 13, 2019 by Elisa Hernandez | Alumni

Biological sciences alumna, Harmanpreet Bhatti ’17, entered Chapman planning to pursue a career in forensic medicine or pathology. Looking to gain more research experience, she found Dr. Georgiana Bostean’s Social Determinants of Health Research Laboratory. Joining Dr. Bostean’s laboratory ended up changing her outlook and career path.  “What I didn’t realize was how ill-informed I was about


Schmid Alumni Receive Their White Coats

August 26, 2019 by | Alumni

Congratulations to our Schmid alumni who recently had their white coat ceremony! The White Coat Ceremony is a rite of passage for many students starting their program in the healthcare industry.  Let us know if you recently had your white coat ceremony >>    Gerald Bittner ’18 and Ramteen Rafii ’18 – University of Pacific Arthur A.


Getting to the Heart of UCSD's Summer Research Program

August 12, 2019 by Elisa Hernandez | Alumni

Rosita Saul decided to come to Chapman because she knew she would have many opportunities available to her and would be encouraged to chase them. As a senior biological science major with a concentration in molecular biology and a holocaust history minor on the pre-medicine track, she has taken full advantage of her college experience.


KEG Lab Celebrates 15 Years

June 12, 2019 by | Events

The Kim Environmental Geochemistry (KEG) Laboratory celebrated its 15 year anniversary on Friday, May 10, 2019. Current lab members and alumni joined Dr. Chris Kim in the Robert Day Lounge on the 3rd floor of the Keck Center for dinner, drinks, and storytelling.  Alumni who couldn’t attend were invited to share a slide with their


From Swamp Monsters to Anteaters

June 11, 2019 by | Alumni

Sporting their Swamp Monster pride, three alumnae from Dr. Jason Keller’s lab got together for a photo-op wearing their lab shirts and to connect with each other for the first time. Research in Dr. Keller’s lab focuses on understanding how ecosystems function and how these functions will respond to ongoing global change. Most of the


Off to Yale with a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

April 22, 2019 by | News

Congratulations to biochemistry and molecular biology alumna Sara Siwiecki ’18 who was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. This fellowship will support Sara as she starts in the Ph.D. program in biochemistry, biophysics, quantitative biology, and structural biology at Yale University this upcoming fall. “I would like to thank Dr. Fudge for all his


Alumni Spotlight: Physician Assistant – Kayla Ferrari '12

March 4, 2019 by | Alumni

Kayla Ferrari received her bachelors in biological sciences from Chapman in 2012. Following graduation, Kayla went on to graduate school at the University of Southern California. She now works as a physician assistant at Altamed Medical Group in Santa Ana.  During her time at Chapman, Kayla served as president of Global Medical Brigades, was an


Leonardo Eifert '13 Chess Tournament Inspires New Chess Club

December 12, 2018 by | News

On Friday, November 16, 2018 students, faculty, friends and alumni gathered to play chess in honor of beloved mathematics major Leonardo Eifert ’13 who passed away due to post-surgery complications in 2015. Also in attendance were students from the chess teams at Beckman High School and University High School. The proceeds from this annual tournament supports

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