On Friday, November 16, 2018 students, faculty, friends and alumni gathered to play chess in honor of beloved mathematics major Leonardo Eifert ’13 who passed away due to post-surgery complications in 2015. Also in attendance were students from the chess teams at Beckman High School and University High School. The proceeds from this annual tournament supports the Leonardo Eifert Scholarship for Imaginative Application of Mathematics.

Professor Alexander Kurz and Plamen Anignoshtev in final round.

The tournament came to a nail-biting final round between computer science Professor Alexander Kurz and nationally ranked chess player from Bulgaria, Plamen Anignoshtev, resulting in a draw. In the rematch that followed, Anignoshtev took home the champion trophy. 

Anignoshtev was invited to play in the tournament by mathematics Professor Cyril Rakovski. He started playing chess when he was 12 years old in his hometown in Bulgaria and for 5 years played in local and national tournaments. After taking a break from chess to focus on his studies in the United States, he began playing again as an MBA student at the University of Chicago. 

“My best performances are winning the Kings Island open in Cincinnati under 2000 section in 2005 and winning the US Amateur Team Midwest playing 3rd board for University of Chicago team.” – Plamen Anignoshtev

Following the tournament, discussion of establishing a new chess club at Chapman sparked between the attendees. The previous chess club had diminished when Eifert passed away. Physics Professor Roman Buniy and food science Professor Fred Caporaso have offered to set-up monthly meetings to re-establish the chess club starting in the spring. 

For those interested in joining the chess club, please contact Professor Roman Buniy and Professor Fred Caporaso

Group photo of tournament players