Celebrate Homecoming with Schmid College

September 18, 2015 by | Events

Chapman University’s 2015 Homecoming Celebration is Friday, October 2 – Sunday, October 4, and Schmid College of Science and Technology has plenty of great events planned for you! Homecoming is a great opportunity to mix and mingle with students, alumni, parents and colleagues. See our schedule of events below and register online. Friday, October 2 Faculty


ChapmanU Science on Tap

September 12, 2015 by | Events

Click here to see the current lineup of Science on Tap live events. Schmid College’s “ChapmanU Science on Tap” is a new on-going series for the college and will feature Chapman University faculty exploring the intersection of science and culture. The inaugural event took place at Provisions Market Monday, September 14, 2015 with Lia Halloran, MFA, Assistant Professor


Mapping in Melbourne

September 8, 2015 by | Faculty

In the first weeks of fall semester, the campus is abuzz with talk about what everyone did during the summer, how it sped by, and what adventures they had. For me, the most memorable part of this summer was experiencing winter in July for the first time in my life. I had the privilege of


Mosquitoes, Graphic Design, and the Scientific Process

August 25, 2015 by | Events

In 2017, Beckman Foundation and Chapman University partnered on this award, which is now called the Beckman-Chapman Young Scientist Award. On August 18, Schmid College recognized the first Chapman-OCSEF Youth Innovation Award winners, a group of middle and high school students who participated in this year’s Orange County Science and Engineering Fair (OCSEF). Celebrating its 60th anniversary this


Alumni Focus: Dor Shoshan ’15

August 21, 2015 by | Alumni

Alumnus Dor Shoshan and his family have much to celebrate. Dor graduated with honors in May from Chapman University’s Biological Sciences program. He received both the Outstanding Senior Award in Biological Science as well as the Ronald M. Huntington Award for Outstanding Scholarship representing the graduating senior with the most distinguished record of academic scholarship.


The Numaserver Offers Big Opportunities For Computational and Data Sciences

August 14, 2015 by | News

For Computational and Data Science  faculty and students, the recent acquisition of the Numaserver is important, but the advantages it provides are only just being tapped into. Installed at the end of May, 2015, the Numaserver is still in the experimental phase of its installation. Faculty members and students have just started using the device,


A Summer with NASA's Student Airborne Research Program

August 11, 2015 by Taylor Krause | Research

I am participating in the Student Airborne Research Program (SARP), which is a program funded by NASA and is targeted toward undergraduates of junior standing (AKA entering their senior year).  It’s a national program that takes place in Southern California, but includes students from all over the US and US territories (we have one girl from Puerto Rico).  There are a total of 32 students participating in the program, with


Dean's Diversion: Communicating Science

August 9, 2015 by | News

Science communication is something we do a great deal of here in Schmid College.  Whenever we publish a blog post, help write a press release, or give a public lecture, I am reminded of an excellent PNAS paper entitled “Bringing values and deliberation to science communication” by Thomas Dietz from Michigan State. The basic premise

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