Students Intern at NIH Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, UCI MIND

May 1, 2015 by | News

Schmid College students continue to expand their presence in the professional world through internship opportunities—this time with University of California Irvine’s Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (MIND). UCI MIND is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Designated Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, and it uses stem cells to develop models for Alzheimer’s disease. Schmid College and


Biology Students Awarded at Tri-Beta Conference

April 30, 2015 by | News

Schmid College saw three of its biology students receive awards at the most recent TriBeta West Coast Regional Conference. TriBeta, a national biological honor society, offers students the opportunity to showcase their research and get feedback from elite minds in the field of biology. Amy Ortega and Kristen Gabriel received second place for the Frank


Battling Miscommunication in the Field of Food Science

April 30, 2015 by | Events

As food science students who are on the never-ending battle for knowledge, we are given the opportunity to offer our expertise on controversial food topics to friends, family and anyone else who may be curious (let’s face it, who isn’t curious about what they’re eating?!). However, while we spend much of our time with our


Schmid College Students Intern at Medtronic

April 29, 2015 by | News

With internships becoming increasingly vital to future careers, it’s no surprise that Schmid College students are taking full advantage of internship opportunities in their fields of study. According to Forbes.com, 69% of large companies offer full-time jobs to their interns—that’s a statistic that is hard for students nearing graduation to overlook. One of those students is Gabrielle


Chapman to Host IEEE Computer Game Showcase May 9

April 27, 2015 by | News

Chapman University will host the Fourth Annual Intercollegiate Computer Game Showcase Saturday, May 9, representing colleges and universities in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. Blending industry with academia, the event will give students the opportunity to network with professionals and exhibit their skills in a positive, entertaining forum. Approximately 50 student teams with three members per


Chapman Hosts 3rd Annual Autism App Jam Public Viewing Fri. 4/24

April 21, 2015 by | News

Over 40 teams from four different universities are competing in this year’s third annual Autism App Jam, which culminates in a Final Judging and Public Viewing event on Friday, April 24 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Chapman University’s Sandhu Conference Center. According to the Autism App Jam website, it is a “two-week competition where


Radon Concentrations show no definite trend associated with Earthquakes in China

April 20, 2015 by Ramesh Singh | Research

In the last four decades, water and soil radon measurements in earthquake prone areas gave an indication of potential precursor of an earthquake based on short period data. However, at many earthquake prone areas no anomalous radon concentrations were observed. Radon fluctuations prior to L’Aquila earthquake of April 6, 2009, in Italy created lots of


FOODucation: A Workshop for Girls Inc!

April 19, 2015 by | News

On Saturday April 11th, Chapman’s Food Science Program had the pleasure of hosting an interactive educational experience for Girls Inc! High school students from different regions of Orange County were brought to Chapman University to learn about Food Science, thanks to the collaboration between FSNSA and Girls Inc. female leaders Christie Pearce,


Alumna Awarded Prestigious NSF Fellowship

April 17, 2015 by | News

In a big year for Schmid College, alumna Elizabeth Berrigan ’14 was among the few awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in Physics and Astronomy – Theoretical Physics. NSF bestowed the grants to only the top 7% of applicants from an already elite pool. Berrigan, who double-majored in Physics and Biochemistry at Schmid College, said she felt Chapman University played a significant


KEG/MIB Lab Open House in Hashinger Basement

April 17, 2015 by | Events

This spring, the Hashinger Science Labs will open their doors again on Friday, April 1, 2016 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Science Labs Open House is open to all– Chapman campus and beyond– so please join us. The Kim Environmental Geochemistry (KEG) and Marine Invertebrate Biology (MIB) programs held an open house on

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