Dr. Glynn Shares Findings on Pregnancy Hormone and Postpartum-Depression

May 28, 2013 by | Research

  Recent findings suggest a possible link between a placental hormone and postpartum depression. Science news website, LiveScience, spoke with Associate Professor Dr. Laura M. Glynn about her research on the stress hormone Placental Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (pCRH) and postpartum depression.  Dr. Glynn’s study shows that the levels of pCRH could eventually help predict a woman’s


First ever campus environmental audit of Chapman University

May 2, 2013 by | News

You are invited to attend the launch event of the first ever campus environmental audit of Chapman University. Please join the members of Chapman University’s first graduating class of Environmental Science and Policy majors as they present their senior capstone research: The Chapman University 2013 Environmental Audit Date: Tuesday, May 14th 2013 Time: 5:00-6:45 pm


Inaugural Computational Sciences Graduate Conference

April 16, 2013 by | News

Please join us this Friday afternoon for the Inaugural Computational Sciences Graduate Conference. This conference, organized by our graduate students, will highlight some of their work and research.  It will take place Friday, April 19, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. in Von Neumann Hall (545 W Palm Avenue).  Throughout the conference, students will present on a


Dr. Matt Pritchard to speak on new methods in geodetic imaging

April 11, 2013 by | Events

It is our pleasure to invite you to a seminar on new methods in geodetic imaging and some of their impacts on measuring the size and shape of the Earth.  Next Wednesday, come listen in as Dr. Matt Pritchard, Associate Professor at Cornell University, will be discussing the limitations of GPS technology and the benefits


Climate change and rising sea levels addressed in The Island President

April 11, 2013 by | Events

Chapman University will be screening The Island President documentary addressing climate change and rising sea levels. The Island President is the story of President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives, and his efforts to confront climate change and rising sea levels.  A rise of three feet in sea level would submerge the 1,200 islands of the


Upcoming Science Forum Series: Effects of Climate Change on Food Safety

April 11, 2013 by | News

Schmid College of Science and Technology continues its Science Forum Series next Wednesday with Dr. Rosalee Hellberg, Assistant Professor, Microbial Food Ecology. This talk will provide an overview of the potential effects of climate change and variability on food safety and food-borne illness.  Numerous environmental factors, including temperature, acidity, oxygen availability and rainfall can impact


73rd Annual William Lowell Putnam Mathematics Competition

April 9, 2013 by | News

Chapman Senior, Nathan Lawless, achieves high score at the annual Putnam Mathematics Competition. The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition is an annual contest that tests some of the brightest mathematics students from colleges across the nation.  The competition takes place each year on the first Saturday in December, where over 2000 college students spend 6


Film Screening of "A Place at the Table"

April 9, 2013 by | Events

A Place at the Table is a film that explores how we have the means to end hunger and malnutrition in America, yet many of our national policies and food industry resources make it almost impossible to do so. The film covers an important discussion that is taking place in the Chapman University Food Science


School of Computational Sciences to host upcoming talk on matrices

March 27, 2013 by | Events

The School of Computational Sciences is pleased to invite you to a mathematics seminar on “Almost Commuting Matrices”. In this seminar, Mustafa Said (University of California, Irvine) will investigate a variant of an old problem in linear algebra and operator theory that was popularized by Paul Halmos “Must almost commuting matrices be nearly commuting?” He

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