76 posts tagged

Environmental Science & Policy


2020 Schmid College Senior Awards Celebration Congratulations to the seniors who received special honors and awards!

May 22, 2020 by | Events

On Wednesday, May 20, 2020, Schmid College held its annual Senior Awards Celebration virtually over Zoom to recognize graduating seniors, present department honors, and announce outstanding senior awards. The night was filled with lots of “unmuting” for applause, and the Zoom chat box was filled with endless shout-outs to our star students. In case you

Schmid Students Recognized at 2020 Campus Leadership Awards Faith Holloway wins Huntington Award for Outstanding Scholarship

May 16, 2020 by | Events

On May 15, 2020, Dean of Students Jerry Price, Ph.D. held the 2020 Campus Leadership Awards to recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements of our Chapman students. This year due to the stay-at-home order, Dean Price presented the awards virtually from his home. He recorded and uploaded the videos to the @LifeatCU Instagram account. You can view

Schmid College’s Transition to Remote Learning Special thank you to our lab staff!

May 4, 2020 by Monroe Roush | Faculty

The current COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted the way that Chapman students normally attend class, participate in labs, and interact with their peers. However, with students and faculty still committed to personalized learning experiences, we’ve been able to find creative solutions for students to learn the content and skills they need from the safety of their

Designed with Sustainability in Mind Learn how the Keck Center decreases its environmental impact

April 21, 2020 by Monroe Roush | News

Happy Earth Day! Our students show their commitment to environmental issues and sustainability every day, from participation in clubs like Net Zero Chapman and Mission Environment to working for Chapman’s Office of Sustainability. One of our newest buildings on campus, the Keck Center for Science and Engineering, reflects this value of our student body. As the biggest

A Trip to the Galápagos Alex Graden '20 shares how his Interterm course exceeded his expectations.

February 12, 2020 by Alex Graden | Teaching and Courses

Alex Graden is a senior biochemistry and molecular biology major. He participated in the ENV 227 Interterm Travel Course – 2020 Galápagos Trip. This past interterm, I took an amazing travel course with 13 other Chapman students to the Galápagos Islands. There was also a lot of pre-trip preparation. As an independent study, one other student

How to Study Abroad in the Sciences

November 18, 2019 by Monroe Roush | Teaching and Courses

This week is International Education Week, a time to learn about the different ways students can study abroad and expand their cultural awareness. Chapman’s Center for Global Education (CGE) offers a myriad of opportunities that range from single travel courses to full semesters (or years!) abroad. For our science students, studying abroad can seem like

“Although summer research is short, I will never forget this experience.” Community College Students Selected to Engage in Keck Center Research

July 23, 2019 by | Research

This summer, 10 local community colleges students had the opportunity to conduct research alongside Chapman faculty in the Keck Center for Science and Engineering. The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Ecological and Environmental Sciences (SURFEES) is an annual sponsored program by the National Science Foundation-Research Experiences for Undergraduate (NSF-REU). Chapman partners with Citrus College, Irvine

14 Schmid Student-Athletes Honored as Part of the SCIAC All-Academic Team

July 19, 2019 by | News

The Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SCIAC) selected 221 of Chapman’s student-athletes for the 2018-19 All-Academic Team. Chapman had the fourth-most selections out of the nine schools in the SCIAC. Read Chapman’s official announcement here >> 14 out of Chapman’s 221 student-athletes honored were Schmid College students! To receive this All-Academic distinction, student-athletes must have

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