Hi everyone,

Chapman University social media is ready for a minor facelift. We are looking to improve our Facebook and Twitter pages to contain inventive and relevant tabs, features, and video.

Our first move? A Twitter Tab.

There is a disconnect between social media platforms that makes it less convenient to check who you are following. For example, the Chapman University Facebook page attracts a similar, yet wider variety of followers than the @ChapmanU Twitter page. Therefore, we want to bring our Twitter feed to the Facebook page.

Why a Twitter Tab?

As Chapman University moves in the direction of more “real-time” tweets and updates, we want to ensure our Facebook followers are seeing the live Twitter feed as well.  We also hope this encourages more people to follow us on Twitter. The live updates are especially interesting when posting pictures (and streaming video in the future). Greek Week, American Celebration, and Homecoming Weekend are a few examples of social media events than were posted about more frequently to Twitter due to its micro-blog immediacy.

What’s next?

You tell us! We could look into a YouTube tab or a tab listing other CU official Facebook accounts. Share your ideas because our pages are here to tell the Chapman story.