I’m happy to announce rewards for some Chapman’s Web Authors who have been hard at work for the past few months… and just when you thought the season of gift giving was over!

  • Becky Campbell in CES
  • Susan Deane in Facilities
  • Hallie Nicholson in UA
Each of these individuals will receive a dinner for two at the historic “Watson Drugs and Soda Fountain” for their hard work on Chapman’s new web siste.  All three were:

  • Engaged in conversation with their web coordinators
  • Turned in their pages in a timely manor
  • Constructed well written pages using what they learned in our “writing for the web” training

I do know that other Web Authors have been hard at work on their writing as well, and I hope we can reward more hard work in the future.  Perhaps we will be able to reward achievement in ‘CMS training’ or ‘Content Migration.’

Thanks again,