TPI Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) Feature

February 12, 2018 by | Uncategorized

We asked Sneha a few questions about her position at TPI, and about her research interests. Please share what has lead you to this position with the Thompson Policy Institute (TPI)? I attended the first DisAbility Summit, and the very next day I applied to join Chapmans Ph.D. in Education program. While I was starting


Person-First Language and What it Means to Me

January 22, 2018 by | Uncategorized

The discussion of person-first language versus identity-first language continues. This popular discussion has been occurring via various avenues for quite a while. The education field has deemed person-first language such as, “an individual with autism” as acceptable, and many disabled individuals have argued for identity-first language such as, “Autistic,” stating it better suits how disabled individuals feel/identify. As the debate


Labels and Identity

January 16, 2018 by | Uncategorized

Neurodiversity, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autism Spectrum, Asperger’s. All these terms are labels. Which one fits the complexities of the self-called I? What happens when I add in; writer, poet, researcher, Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), and 3rd year Ph.D. student? What becomes of the other labels I may identify with? What if I write the word


Mathematizing: Striving for Inclusion Through Quality and Creative Math Instruction

November 22, 2017 by | Uncategorized

Dr. Rachel Lambert is an Assistant Professor in the College of Educational Studies at Chapman University. Her scholarly work investigates the intersections between disability studies in education and mathematics education. She has conducted longitudinal studies of how learners with and without disabilities construct identities as mathematics learners, and how mathematical pedagogy shapes disability. Dr. Lambert


Meet Sarah Stup: Author with autism who has much to say about inclusion

November 2, 2017 by | Uncategorized

To learn more about education and inclusion, we asked Sarah Stup to tell us about her educational experiences growing up. Sarah is a critically acclaimed author, and well-known blogger. Sarah types to speak, and has much to share with us about inclusion in the educational environment. Did you attend general education or special education classes


Audri Gomez, Ph.D.

October 24, 2017 by | Uncategorized

Dr. Audri Gomez, the new Associate Director at TPI, sits down with us so we can learn more about her experience, research interests, and family life. Please read and share this interview. Welcome, Dr. Gomez! Prior to joining TPI, tell us about your experience in the education system. My career in education began as a K-6


Transition to Work

October 6, 2017 by | Uncategorized

As we consider the long-term future of our youth with disabilities, it is critical to start with successful outcomes and work backward. Transition Planning includes: Education/Post-Secondary Education, Mobility, Connections to Resources, Independent Living, Recreation/Fitness & Work. All of these areas are essential, but for the sake of this blog we will concentrate on employment. The



September 12, 2017 by | Uncategorized

If you write blogs, or opeds, or opinion pieces, the holy grail is not something Indy and his dad search for, but the New York Times pages.  Thousands apply each week, and the paper, after running their regular columnists, prints one or two outside authors a day.  After writing seven books I got in once,


Sean McElwee talks about his Transition to Work

September 8, 2017 by | Uncategorized

Sean McElwee is 23 years old and happens to have Down syndrome. Sean is an entrepreneur and works multiple jobs, all of which he enjoys. Sean encourages others to never give up on their dreams. Living in his own apartment with supported living staff facilitating his independence, Sean loves making his own decisions and eating


Accommodations for Students with Disabilities in Higher Education

August 31, 2017 by | Uncategorized

As the Director of Disability Services at Chapman University, I see many students requesting accommodations at the beginning of their higher education experience. They are coming from high schools with IEPs or 504 plans. These plans assist students to be successful in the high school environment because of some type of disability. What I do

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