One of the greatest challenges of giving online writing assignments to students is insuring that it’s clear how they will be evaluated for these types of assignments.  My colleague Mark Marino from USC recently shared his blog assignment rubric and I am going to use this as a springboard for my own blog assignments in the future.  I especially like that he evaluates the students on the how well they use the technology as well as on the content and style of their writing.

Mark Marino’s Blog Assignment Rubric

If you would like to tweak this rubric for yourself, you can make a “copy” that you can edit, but selecting the Make Copy option from the file menu, or you can also select to download it as a Word document:

gdocs files dropdown menu

It’s also worth noting that here at Chapman we provide a WordPress-based blogging platform for all faculty to use in their courses, called EduBlogs.  If you are interested in learning how you can set this up for your courses, please send a request to, or fill out this FORM.