38 posts categorized in

Digital Learning


How Can I Become a Better Online Instructor? Monday Morning Mentor Series

March 9, 2020 by | Pedagogy

Did you know that the Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (IETL) has a subscription for faculty members to access the Magna Campus Online Professional Development Video & Resource Library? One of these resources is the Monday Morning 20-Minute Mentor Series! The Monday Morning Mentor series packs an impressive amount of practical information into

What Technology and Tools Do I Need to Create a Podcast for My Students? Monday Morning Mentor Series

February 24, 2020 by | Pedagogy

Did you know that the Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (IETL) has a subscription for faculty members to access the Magna Campus Online Professional Development Video & Resource Library? One of these resources is the Monday Morning 20-Minute Mentor Series! The Monday Morning Mentor series packs an impressive amount of practical information into

How Can I Cost-Effectively Use Virtual Reality to Enhance Instruction? Monday Morning Mentor Series

February 11, 2020 by | Faculty

Did you know that the Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (IETL) has a subscription for faculty members to access the Magna Campus Online Professional Development Video & Resource Library? One of these resources is the Monday Morning 20-Minute Mentor Series! The Monday Morning Mentor series packs an impressive amount of practical information into

How Do I Design Effective Combinations of Gamified Elements to Encourage Deeper Learning? Monday Morning Mentor Series

November 25, 2019 by | Digital Learning

Did you know that the Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (IETL) has a subscription for faculty members to access the Magna Campus Online Professional Development Video & Resource Library? One of these resources is the Monday Morning 20-Minute Mentor Series! The Monday Morning Mentor series packs an impressive amount of practical information into

Capturing Class Video Using Swivl

October 31, 2019 by | Pedagogy

Did you know that the IETL has a Swivl that faculty members can check out throughout the year? Swivl is a video observation technology tool and uses a Robot Base (to capture the video) and Audio Markers (microphones that record the instructor and students). The Robot Base automatically swivels to follow the instructor – no

What Culturally Responsive Teaching Techniques Can I Use to Improve Learning? Monday Morning Mentor Series

October 14, 2019 by | Pedagogy

Did you know that the Institute for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (IETL) has a subscription for faculty members to access the Magna Campus Online Professional Development Video & Resource Library? One of these resources is the Monday Morning 20-Minute Mentor Series! The Monday Morning Mentor series packs an impressive amount of practical information into

Bring Digital Learning to your Students Join the Adobe Rollout Group

September 27, 2019 by | Technology

As you have probably heard, students now have FREE access to Adobe Creative Cloud. Our new site license this fiscal year provides Adobe Creative Cloud access for free to all active Chapman staff, faculty, and students. To access your free account, visit: www.chapman.edu/software What can this look like in the classroom? Digital learning improves student

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