4 posts tagged



Audio and Video Sync Issue for Video Files Saved From PowerPoint

October 29, 2021 by | Faculty

Some instructors prefer to add audio narration to their PowerPoint presentations, then record and save them before uploading to an online video-sharing platform (Panopto, YouTube, MS Stream, etc.) If you record your PowerPoint presentation with audio (narration) and save it, the file will play fine on your computer. However, the audio and video will go

Improving Accessibility Learn it, do it

April 14, 2018 by | Technology

Several months ago, a hot news item was the Department of Justice’s finding that UC-Berkeley housed several public educational videos that weren’t accessible to people with sight and hearing issues. As a result, UC-Berkeley took down the access to these videos. This put higher education institutions into a panic, and the conversation continues in many

Top 5 Reasons to Use Lynda.com in Blackboard

March 27, 2017 by | Technology

More than 5,700 courses and 255,000 video tutorials taught by recognized industry expert Lynda.com is free for Chapman Instructors and students Instructors can find and use the videos through Blackboard’s Mashup tool Instructors can track students’ progress in the Grade Center By incorporating Lynda.com content into Blackboard instructors provide easy access for students Please visit

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