Did you know that Chapman University has a sister school in Prague, Czech Republic called Anglo-American University?

This is where many students, domestic and international, can acquire a Prague MBA or an International MBA from the Argyros School of Business and Economics from Chapman University. This partnership also allows MBA students from California to take classes at Anglo-American University, even if they are unable to stay the full length to acquire a Prague MBA or International MBA.

I was one of a handful of students from the home campus in California who decided to take Social Media Marketing with Professor Myhr over interterm at the Anglo-American University just last month, in January. Being one of the students who went, I can vouch first-hand for how invaluable this experience was to my MBA degree.

The class was an intensive weekend course that met from 5 to 8 p.m. Fridays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays, and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays for three weeks. Although it was condensed over a shorter period of time, the amount of material and information covered was not compromised in the least. Not only were we able to get the same level of education from Professor Myhr who also teaches at Chapman University, but we were given the opportunity to network with business professionals in Eastern Europe who attend Anglo-American University. They span countries such as the Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Russia, and other neighboring countries. The cherry on top of all of this is that we were able to do all this for a third of the price of the Argyros School’s tuition!

I would highly recommend students to take advantage of the courses offered in Prague. Many of the professors who teach courses for the MBA at Chapman teach at Anglo-American University as well. To name a few of the professors that do teach at AAU: Professor Turk, Professor Winn, Professor Munson, and previously mentioned Professor Myhr, who were very helpful and knowledgeable. If you can, I recommend studying abroad!

Check out some of the photos from my trip!