Kritanat (Keene) PuranandaName: Kritanat (Keene) Purananda

Graduation Date: Summer 2022

Graduate Degree: Master of Business Administration, Chapman University


Why did you choose Chapman University?

Chapman University’s George L. Argyros School of Business & Economics is a top university on the west coast. I’d heard good things about it from a family member who is a graduate of the MBA program. After speaking with him, I was persuaded to pursue it.

After I completed my research and spoke to several alumnus, I can confidently say that the exposure to people and the program really drove me there. The atmosphere on campus is nice and it’s close to where I live. The classes are small, and you know everyone—it’s nice to be a part of a close-knit group.

What advice do you have for students looking to maximize their success while at Chapman University?

Go to your professor’s office hours. One of my best friends who is a Chapman alumni gave me that advice when I entered the program. The moment you don’t understand something, go to your professor’s office hours and ask questions. Let them know you care and that you want to do well.

Also, don’t be afraid to get a tutor if you need one—they’re very helpful! Form a study group and get to know everyone so you can lean on each other when you need it. They’ll be your greatest source of support outside of professors.

When you’re not working or going to school, what do you like to do for fun?

I like to hang out with my good friends Matthew Shiroma, Brian Yu, and Harsh Patel. On some occasions, I like to go to the Porsche Experience Center in LA or K1 Speed and have fun driving. Feel free to reach out to me if you’re a car person! I love to connect with other people who are passionate about cars.


What inspired you to get your master’s degree?

I was inspired to get my master’s degree for many reasons. I felt like I wasn’t done learning and I wanted to grow my competitive advantage. When I’m applying to full-time jobs after the program, I want to be able to stand out from others, have a strong support network, and discover more of myself and the things I can achieve. I’m in search of who I really am and I’m exploring career pathways.

Has your master’s degree changed your career path or goals?

Pursuing my master’s degree has helped me solidify my interests, my career goals, and where I want to go. I’ve been exposed to accounting, business analytics, finance, and marketing and now I know for sure that marketing is the right pathway for me. That’s one of my favorite things about Chapman is the exposure to coursework, ideas, and different areas of business necessary to narrow your career pathway.

What career advice do you have for other students, or anyone, looking for an internship or a job?

Visit the Argyros School Career Center! I’ve worked with an advisor, Jolene, and it’s been very helpful. You can ask career questions, have your resume and cover letter reviewed, and get the support you need. I also recommend that you actively check Handshake for jobs, internships, and career events. And let’s not forget LinkedIn, one of the most critical networking tools a student can have.

What advice do you have for students like you?

My best advice for MBA students or students in any discipline: Be yourself. Persevere. Keep going and don’t give up. It will get hard, but when you don’t give up and work hard for your future, it will feel even better. Don’t be afraid to put in the work because you’ll thank yourself for it in the future.

One of my favorite quotes is: “Don’t talk too much, be focused on the goal and achieve it.” – Niki Lauda


Recently you just started a new internship that you discovered through Chapman. Can you tell us about it?

Yes, I am the new Marketing Assistant at Altinex. I’m learning a lot about marketing and product marketing. This has strengthened my understanding and knowledge of customer perspectives and how that plays in to their buying decisions. It’s a mixture of marketing, product optimization, good photography, and psychology. I already had marketing experience when I came into this role, so it’s been fun to add to my knowledge bank and I’m excited to see what I learn next.

Congratulations Keene! I can’t wait to see all that you accomplish.