Embarking on the journey towards academic and professional excellence, Kabir Mann, a double major in Business Administration (Finance emphasis) and Economics with a minor in Analytics, shares his insights and experiences. Let’s delve into the three main facets that define Kabir’s Chapman adventure.

A Haven of Academic Excellence and Camaraderie

Kabir reflects on his Chapman experience thus far with enthusiasm, highlighting the unique camaraderie between professors and students. “My favorite part about the school is the close rapport that professors are willing to have with their students,” he says. This connection extends beyond the classroom, fostering an environment where Kabir has sought guidance and provided feedback outside formal learning spaces. The intimate size of the university has facilitated meaningful connections, with warm interactions defining his encounters with peers. “Being a small school, there are many people that a student will run into over their years in college. Almost everyone that I have had the chance to speak with has been warm and genuinely interested in what I am working on in life and in school,” says Kabir.

Navigating Campus Involvement: From the Accounting Society to the Janes Financial Center Residency

Beyond the classroom, Kabir’s campus involvement has been a tale of leadership and strategic impact. Previously, he served as the Director of Professional Development for Chapman’s Accounting Society, orchestrating initiatives like mock interviews and resume workshops. “I realized through this,” he says, “that I had more interest in Finance and applied for the Janes Financial Center Residency Program. I was accepted into the program this fall and have had a great experience, which I’ll touch on more below. In this program, I contribute to the management of the U.S. equities portion of Chapman University’s $4M student-managed portfolio.” This shift speaks to his adaptability and strategic pursuit of his passions within the dynamic academic landscape.

Kabir’s Chapman Choice: Diversity of Thought and Unveiling Career Aspirations

Choosing Chapman and the Argyros College of Business and Economics was a decision rooted in the appreciation for diversity of thought. Kabir was drawn to the campus’s unique representation of historical figures with varied perspectives. “Nowhere else would I find a statue of Ayn Rand with an Atlas Shrugged quote in such close proximity to a statue of Ella Fitzgerald or Abraham Lincoln,” he notes. This commitment to diverse perspectives aligns with his own ambitions, ultimately shaping his career goals.

When it comes to the future, Kabir says, “”I aspire to be in venture capital, specifically investing in innovative technology companies. I feel that is where I can make a large impact, investing and helping grow technology companies that are looking to effect positive changes in the world.”

As Kabir reflects on his journey, two key skills stand out: diligence and coding proficiency. His participation in the Janes Financial Center Residency Program honed his diligence, demanding unparalleled attention to detail in managing the university’s endowment fund. Moreover, he discovered a passion for coding, adding a Minor in Analytics to his academic pursuits. The unexpected joy in coding serves as a testament to the transformative power of Chapman’s diverse educational offerings.

Kabir Mann’s Chapman experience is a testament to the university’s commitment to fostering not just academic growth but also personal and professional development. As he edges closer to his projected graduation in Spring 2025, Kabir exemplifies the spirit of a well-rounded student, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.


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