A Career Fair Success Story: Ann Ngo

May 3, 2024 by | For Students

When a Chapman student or alumni job seeker thinks about the Career Fair, they may feel nervous, unsure, or afraid of all the tables or the employers standing behind them. As a graduating senior, I experienced some of those feelings when I ventured through Attallah Piazza and the Bert Williams Mall for the Spring 2024


Career Peer Advisor Appointments are Back

February 16, 2024 by Carson LeSage | Career Tips

As Career Peer Advisors we love to connect with you, our fellow classmates and help you along your career journey. Don’t believe me, take a lil peek at this snippet of our VISION STATEMENT: “Empower Panthers to navigate a meaningful and productive transition from the classroom to their career journeys and beyond” Sniffle…sniffle…sniffle.  Crying noise…


The Snowball Effect in Chapman?

February 6, 2024 by Carson LeSage | For Students

Hello everyone!!! Long time no see huh. How are we dooooing? How is life going for you right now? Are you getting used to this weather yet? ARE YOU READY FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER?  Welcome back everybody from your hopefully lovely and relaxing holiday break. I also want to give a special welcome to the


A Re-Introduction to the Peer Advisors

October 10, 2023 by | Uncategorized

Helloooo Everyone!!!  I hope you are having a great start to your Summer break and are ready to conquer everything that will come up in your career exploration journey this upcoming Fall semester. It has been a little while since I wrote a blog (almost two semesters), and I am excited to be writing one


How to Win Summer

July 14, 2023 by | For Students

Summer is a great time to relax, have fun, and most importantly build transferable skills (HEHEH). I am so excited that summer is here and the sun has to come out, like, right now. May has been real gray and… I am politely asking for it to stop. Thanks for hearing about my lil rant, and


Recap of Inclusive Employer Night

June 30, 2023 by | Uncategorized

On October 12, 2022, the Office of Career and Professional Development and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion co-hosted an in-person DEI networking event called Inclusive Employer Night. With 15 employers and 72 students in attendance, the third floor patio of Argyros Forum was packed — with people and the crucial conversations and connections that


The Drop-In Experience

April 26, 2023 by | For Students

My name is Carson LeSage, and I am a Career Peer Advisor at the Office of Career and Professional Development, double majoring in Psychology and Philosophy. Drop-ins and I are like Ride or Die, super serious.  What is a “Drop-In”? Let’s start off with the basics. What is this magical resource that I speak of?


A Farewell Letter to the Spring Semester

May 16, 2022 by | For Students

Well, the time has come. The Spring semester has flown by in the blink of an eye and the 2021-2022 semester is coming to a close. Although bittersweet, that just means that summer is that much closer to arriving!  Our Peer Advisors have had a wonderful time helping you and educating you through workshops, presentations


Why Studying Abroad is Beneficial for Your Career

March 7, 2022 by | For Students

There is something amazing about being completely immersed in another culture and independent for the first time in your life, and this certainly was the case for me. Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to grow in a way that is impossible when you’re in your comfort zone. The relationships you can build and the

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