12 posts categorized in

Chapman Family


X Marks the Spot

November 13, 2015 by |

buy phentermine online no prescriptionOn October 30, 2014 Dylan Trumbull headed to a doctor’s appointment to find out why he was having such severe headaches over the summer. Dylan originally assumed they were concussion related from years of participating in sports but the severity led him to believe that it was something completely different. buy

Through My Eyes: A Foreign Lens

October 26, 2015 by |

  The Center for Global Education is launching International Education Week from November 2-7, 2015. The week will consist of an international food fair, art displays, international dialogues, and much more to show the importance and relevance of international and cross-cultural events on campus. A highlight of the week is the event “Through My Eyes:

My experience as a ChapmanUFamily user

September 3, 2015 by |

The account is not about whose experience is the most popular or most impressive. It’s about telling your story. As I planned my content, I came to find that there are multiple aspects of my Chapman experience that make it unique.

My experience as a ChapmanUFamily user

September 3, 2015 by |

When I was asked to be the first user for the ChapmanUFamily Instagram account, I was nervous. This may seem odd, but I felt the pressure of beginning an account that is representative of the entire Chapman Family. I was worried about coming up with content that would be accepted by the audience and the

Living with CRMO

February 5, 2015 by |

I was 12 when I first stared up at my bone scan, watching my bones brighten like lights on a Christmas tree. I thought it was pretty cool to see the insides of my own body while I had radioactive serum in my veins, and felt a little like Spiderman when he started figuring out how to

No photo is out-of-bounds for soccer player

October 31, 2014 by |

You’ve probably seen that photo in the art gallery of the beat up shopping cart alone in a desolate alleyway and, like a lot of people thought, “This is art?” Meet the guy who not only thinks that’s art, he creates it with photos worth thousands of words and stories. He’s Chapman

2014 Study Abroad Photo Contest Winners

September 29, 2014 by |

Every year, the Center for Global Education (CGE) has an annual photo contest where we invite study abroad participants from the previous academic year who participated in semester programs, faculty-led travel courses, and summer international internships to submit photos from their travels. We’ve all heard the saying a picture is worth a thousand words,

15 reasons Pete the Panther is the best mascot ever

August 28, 2014 by |

Works out, good with kids, and a romantic? Sounds like the perfect guy. Our perfect guy to be exact. 1. Fitness is a priority. Yeah, he works out. 2. He photobombs… and owns it. 3. He takes naps because naps are awesome. valium online no prescriptionvalium online without prescriptionbuy valium no prescriptionbuy ambien no prescriptiondiazepam online without

Can you be Chappy for 100 days in a row?

June 11, 2014 by |

We’re proud to be Panthers 24/7 and we want to share our “Panther Pride” with you for the next 100 days. WHAT does this mean? Similar to #100HappyDays , we will be posting #100ChappyDays: photos of our campus, our history, and the Chapman Family that make us… (C)happy! Beginning Monday, June 9, follow us on

Best Way to See Prague: Marathon

April 7, 2014 by |

There is always a multitude of ways to see a new city. You can walk through the city, sure. Take a tourist bus, maybe? Bikes are cool…if you’re good at dodging traffic. But why not run through the city? That’s how I wanted to see the sights of Prague when I decided to sign up

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