SCC/COM498 is the required Senior Seminar course every School of Communication student must take in order to graduate, and for a good reason. If you are a senior who is worried about not being able to find a job, look no further. Saying this class helped me immensely doesn’t quite cover it. Saying SCC498 made a significant impact on how I will maneuver my next life transition is a bit more accurate. Every assignment directly correlated to a circumstance we would have to do when searching for a full-time position. This course, given as a sort of “practice round” gave me the tools I needed to set myself up for success in the future as well as give me a preview for what it will be like when I will be doing some of the assignments for real. Other assignments were done for us to already have when the time comes to utilize them (i.e. a portfolio). This class was very thought-provoking and allowed me to start planning ahead more easily.

Other assignment examples include writing a paper where one compares and contrasts two paths they might take once they graduate (also discussing the pros and cons), giving a presentation as if you are in a job interview about why you would be the best candidate for the position, and personalizing resumes based on the kind of job you are applying for (having a sales version, marketing version, etc.). We had several class activities that were extremely interesting as well. For example, we had the pleasure of hearing Lauren Robbins from Hawekotte Financial Group speak about personal finance and gave advice about retirement, building credit, and more. 

I reached out to Erika Martinez, a Communications major, to ask what the COM498 experience is like in order to gain insight. In her email, she stated:

For COM498 we had a final research project and that was very beneficial because we were able to apply all concepts we learned throughout COM into one project. We got a first look at the research aspect of COM and had to work together to complete everything on time. Relevant to teamwork and COM studies itself. The most rewarding parts were seeing our final project created and getting to work closely with friends on our final project.

In all, get excited about this course. Trust me. This course will do nothing but strengthen your already existing skills and develop your ability to survive in the “real world.” Good luck!