Paula is a communication studies grad with a minor in integrated educational studies. She also recently graduated with an M.A. in leadership development. She currently works in marketing for a construction company in Orange County. Below she shares her Chapman experience and advice for students and recent grads. If you want to connect with Paula, you can find her on LinkedIn.

Where do you work and what is your job title?
I am a Marketing and Proposal Specialist at SafeworkCM

What does your job entail?
I oversee all of the marketing programs for a construction company. My job involves designing proposals for various projects that we are interested in applying for. This process involves putting together designs of previous projects, hiring a team to work on the project, doing cost analysis and designing cost proposals. I also plan and lead various meetings throughout the proposal process to help all involved parties know what to expect. My job also involves meeting with other industry members with the hopes of building partnerships for various projects.

Tell us about your job search process.
I did a lot of networking through LinkedIn, as well as applied to a bunch of positions on websites such as Indeed.

Tell us about your internship experience while at Chapman.
As a student at Chapman, I worked on campus in University Advancement as a Phonathon Caller and Supervisor. This experience helped me land my first job out of college as the Chapman Fund Development Assistant. I also had multiple internships. I was a marketing intern for a website called During this internship, I was responsible for going through content they wanted to place on their website. I was also a public relations intern for LE Communications where I managed different social media platforms for various clients.

Why did you choose Chapman University and the School of Communication?
I chose to get my degree in Communication Studies because I wanted a versatile degree. I knew that when looking for a job, I would want a lot of transferable skills and a communication degree could provide me with that. My first preview of the program was taking Interpersonal Communication as one of my GE classes. I loved the fact that the class taught you that communication was more than the words you say but how you present yourself as well.

How has your School of Communication degree benefited you in your career?
My Communication Studies degree has helped me tremendously in my career. Working in marketing, I am always communicating with people. Whether it is using the presentation skills I learned in Public Speaking, utilizing the teamwork skills that I gained in Group Comm or using the knowledge from Mass Comm to understand how to present different messages. I feel that having a background in communication has made me a more effective communicator which is much needed when working with large groups of people and project managing.

What advice do you have for undergraduate students or recent graduates?
My advice is don’t be afraid to take risks in your career. If you see an opportunity that you want to take and you have the ability to do it, then take it. You should never be the road block in your life.
For undergrad students, get to know your professors. Not just having them know your work but tell them what your interests are because you never know who they know and how they can connect you.
For the recent graduates, keep those relationships alive. Check in with professors, even if it’s just a quick email or a LinkedIn message.