Alisha graduated with a double major in strategic and corporate communication and political science. She currently works for the Orange County Employees Association as an organizer. Read more to learn how Alisha’s degree helps her in her work every day. If you want to connect with Alisha, find her on LinkedIn.

Where do you work and what is your job title?
I work for Orange County Employees Association as an organizer.

What does your job entail?
As an organizer, I organize people into taking action. This involves educating people about certain issues and then empowering and inspiring them to create change in their communities. I create programs to develop leaders and encourage participation in social movements.

Did you secure this position while enrolled at Chapman University?
Yes. I put the word out to my network that I was graduating and someone I volunteered with previously happened to be hiring.

Tell us about your internship experience while at Chapman.
I interned/volunteered/worked for different political campaigns and volunteered for different organizations in Orange County. I made lots of great connections with people that I now interact with professionally for my job.

How has your School of Communication degree benefited you in your career?
I use my SCC degree every day at work. My entire job consists of creating campaigns to inspire people to action. I often find myself looking back to my notes from SCC 100 to make sure I’m following all the steps that will make my campaign successful.