Interning at LiveMore Organics
December 2, 2020
Hi! My name is Paloma and I’m a senior majoring in Strategic and Corporate Communication with a double minor in French and IES. I’ve been interning at LiveMore Organics since January of 2020 as their Social Media/Marketing Coordinator.
I found the internship through Handshake when I was studying abroad in Rome my junior year. Shortly after I applied, I received an email from Julia asking if I could meet over Skype for a short interview. Throughout the interview, Julia asked me some questions and told me all about the company. She ended it by saying she could see me being a perfect fit on the team!
My tasks at LiveMore vary from day to day. Some days I act as a broker going from retailer to retailer to check on our products. I form long lasting relationships with the buyers and make sure our products are being displayed correctly. This has allowed me to truly enhance my professional communication skills, something I was hoping I would have the opportunity to do pre graduation. Most days I am managing giveaways with other like-minded brands and reaching out to influencers to promote our products. I am in charge of taking content photos for our giveaways and some on our Instagram feed.
A new task I recently undertook is researching alternative eco-friendly materials we could use for our products. I had noticed that the main complaint we were getting from customers was our over-use of plastic and I quickly wanted to fix that. I am now in communication with multiple suppliers and we are in the process of getting sample compostable and biodegradable product materials sent to us!

As Social Media Coordinator I attend events to promote our brand. As pictured here, I set up a table with our our products, flyers, and blenders to give samples!
The biggest piece of advice I can give to any first, second or third year student is to get as much internship experience as possible. Experience is so valuable in narrowing your potential career path post graduation. I had no idea what field I wanted to work in post grad and I had never worked with the social media and marketing aspect of a company before LiveMore. Now I know that I love this area of work and could genuinely see myself making a career out of it. Experience will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of what you like and what you don’t like. I now know I have a passion for the health and wellness industry and will continue to look for opportunities in this industry. Put yourself out there, apply to positions you’ve never thought about trying, they might surprise you!
I urge each and every one of you to apply to as many internships as possible. Give yourself the opportunity to practice the skills you’ve learned over the past few years in a real world setting. Allowing yourself to get a taste of the the workforce will not be something you regret. Without my internship experience at LiveMore Organics I wouldn’t feel nearly as confident as I do to be graduating in May and set foot in the work force.