Hello everyone! My name is Talia Mohajer and I am a junior Strategic and Corporate Communication major with a minor in Law, Justice and Social Control. This past semester, I worked as a marketing intern for SkyWide Logic.

I found this internship on Handshake and used the quick-apply feature to submit my resumé and answer a few questions as to why I would be qualified for the internship. I got a call a few days later to do a brief interview before getting the job on the spot.

Here is one of the excel sheets I did for client consulting and marketing for Skywide Logic

One of the best moments at my internship was being able to use social media to benefit and help grow a brand-new company with so much potential. Marketing is a powerful tool and working in marketing is much easier when you are passionate about what you are actually putting out on the market, and while I learned and grew within my internship at Skywide Logic, I also learned to really enjoy what I was actually marketing because I saw a new start-up company with a lot of passion and potential, and it felt good knowing that I was being entrusted to help get the company name out there to the media and the public to help them grow.

Being a Strategic and Corporate Communication major, I have been able to take a couple marketing classes which helped a lot during this marketing internship. I was able to refer back to my notes from previous classes such as Message Design I and SCC 305 (Marketing through a Communicator Lens) when coming up with marketing plans and strategies for the company, reminding myself of certain terms I may have forgotten, and refreshing my memory of how to use message design when coming up with a certain marketing plan. A lot of the classes I have taken so far in the school of communication prepared me for how to communicate with my boss when there is a problem, when I have something to say but may be too scared to say it, and how I can effectively manage my time to be task-oriented and productive. These classes have helped me not only know what to say and when to say it, but also boost my confidence in knowing that you can be honest and express your feelings even when it seems scary to approach someone of a higher power in the company.