Hello! My name is Brianna Jones, and I am a freshman from Houston, Texas. I am a Communication Studies major and currently looking into minoring in Visual Journalism.

Ironically enough, I did not know about Chapman until about a month before early college applications were due. It was recommended to me by a family friend after I expressed my interest in studying communications, and she referred me to Chapman for our incredibly expansive and opportunistic School of Communication. After finding out that I got into the school, I came for a tour and immediately fell in love with the school, and now I have so much honor in calling Chapman my home!

Picture of Brianna taking photos

Brianna Taking Photos

In high school, I had a very heavy involvement with my high school journalism program. I took photojournalism my freshman year, then joined yearbook and ended up serving as my school’s Editor-in-Chief of the yearbook. I also have a very strong passion for photography. In fact, I ran my own photography business back home. Additionally, I also worked for a wedding photographer, and I always found myself looking for new ways to broaden my creativity in this field. With my interest in these fields, I found a great correlation with journalism, photography, and communications, and I have known for a long time that I wanted to study communications to continue my pursuit in these fields.

Although I still have some time before declaring my minor, I have already been looking into the Visual Journalism minor. This is a liberal arts minor that focuses on digital photography, design, editing, journalism, and more. I already loved journalism in high school, and I hope to continue expanding my knowledge and experience in this area of study. Some day I have ambitions of finding a career that combines my passions of both journalism and photography, and I hope to proceed with this minor to do so!

Picture of Brianna in front of a colorful wall

Brianna in front of a colorful wall

I chose to apply for the Student Advisory Board because I truly believe that Chapman has such a phenomenal School of Communication, and I could only hope to be a part of it. It is such a unique board and truly highlights the needs of students, and as a freshman, it is exactly the kind of thing I appreciate having as a resource. Admittedly, the transition from high school to college is quite the jump, but having such a welcoming communication program and board and feeling so immersed in my learning experience has made the transition a lot less intimidating. It is an honor to be a part of the Student Advisory Board and to serve as an outlet for any questions regarding this program!

I can be reached by my email briajones@chapman.edu.