Hi, everyone! My name is Camille DeWilde, and I am a sophomore Communication Studies major with a double minor in General Music (emphasis piano) and the Honors Program. I’m from Tucson, Arizona, and my post-grad plans are to attend law school and hopefully work in entertainment law, where I can combine my love of neverending learning with my passion for the arts! As a member of the School of Communication Student Advisory Board, among my many other involvements, I am so excited to contribute positive change to various Chapman communities! Furthermore, I look forward to meeting and connecting with so many exceptional current and prospective Chapman students, as well as staff, faculty, and families!

Flashing back to my senior year of high school, I had a lot of decisions to make. The who’s, what’s, when’s, and where’s of picking a university and a major were incredibly overwhelming, and I remember a lot of days where that stress felt like too much to bear. However, the second I stepped foot on Chapman campus, so many of my fears were alleviated. No longer did I feel like I wouldn’t find a campus that felt like home. I fell in love with Chapman’s personalized academic experience, emphasis on individual thought and exploration, and the way every student has a different and incredibly personal answer when you ask them, “So, why Chapman?” I owe so much to Chapman for encouraging me to grow into who I am today, and so much of that is also owed to the School of Communication.

Camille and other members of Tri Delta who were Orientation Leaders this year

Camille and other members of Tri Delta who were Orientation Leaders this year

My “Why Chapman” story feels pretty straightforward, but my answer to “Why Communication” is a little more complex. Coming into Chapman, I knew I wanted to go to law school after getting my undergraduate degree, but the options for my major felt limitless, and I was nervous about what to choose. Knowing how much I value and appreciate human connection and considering how important persuasion was for my future, Communication felt like an easy pick! My two greatest values in life are learning and human connection, and if you feel the same, Communication is absolutely the place for you, in my opinion!

I am only a Sophomore, and there is so much more Chapman campus has to offer in terms of involvement, but outside the School of Comm Student Advisory Board, I am a member of many wonderful Chapman communities! I am, firstly, a member of both social and professional Greek Life on campus. I am the secretary for Kappa Alpha Pi, the co-ed pre-law fraternity on campus, and also a member of Tri Delta! Furthermore, I am involved with Camp Kesem, Chapman Radio, The Provost Student Advisory Board, and the Admissions Volunteer Team. This summer, I was an Orientation Leader, and I also work at an on-campus job! There are so many fantastic resources and communities offered by Chapman, and I plan to continue involving myself in as many as possible!

Camille and her Kappa Alpha Pi "Greek Family"

Camille and her Kappa Alpha Pi “Greek Family!”

When not busy with my on-campus involvements, I love getting coffee at my favorite local coffee shop, Contra, going to Disneyland, baking, watching movies and spending time with my friends!

If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to reach out via email: dewilde@chapman.edu