Hi! I am Maya Hasenfang, a senior Strategic and Corporate Communication major with a minor in Leadership. For the fall 2023 semester I interned at Lady K Media, a strategic creative media company based in Los Angeles CA. I had the position of Marketing intern with this company.

I chose to work with Lady K Media because their passions as a company align with mine. They look to create a space for women to be heard in the media business. Focusing on women’s voices and brands to amplify their stories and products across media platforms. I found this internship through a personal connection, my family friend had heard that Lady K was looking for an intern to help with social media promotion and marketing. I then looked up the company and instantly knew I wanted to be a part of the team.

Lets Cheer Up: Client for Lady K Media

For my role at Lady K Media I worked remotely 9 hours a week for 13 weeks. I was responsible for creating social media content for one of their clients, Let’s Cheer Up. Let’s Cheer Up is online platform for cheer routines made by coaches for coaches to modernize the world of cheer. For Let’s Cheer Up I assisted in management of their social media accounts and creating and posting content for product drops. I had the opportunity to brainstorm campaign ideas to increase follower interaction with their business. My other responsibilities included analyzing analytics from digital promotion and following up with the client at weekly meetings on their successes and where they had room for improvement. A course from the School of Communication that heavily assisted me in my internship position was Mass Communication. I worked with numerous mass media channels and this course taught me how to create messages for specific channels to ensure positive interaction. Different channels thrive with certain content, and it was beneficial for me to already know what mediums worked well on the many social platforms.

I also had the opportunity to assist with another of Lady K Media’s clients, Naughty Girl Fitness. Naughty Girl Fitness is an online fitness video tutorial site made to empower people to be comfortable working out wherever and whenever they want. For this client, I worked with another intern to create an Ambassador Program from the ground up. We started with drafting emails and introduction scripts and then created an onboarding packet and ambassador tracking site. This project granted me total creative abilities and helped me gain hands-on experience with campaign development. I even got to pitch this Ambassador Program campaign to the client over Zoom, which was an incredible experience. The ambassador program was the highlight of my internship experience because it was the project with the biggest positive impact on the clients.

Naughty Girl Fitness: Client for Lady K Media