By Daniel Aguilar, Ashley Lynch, Olivia Schaefers, & Emily Taifer

Ready to land your dream job? We highly recommend you consider taking COM 310, Business and Professional Communication. This class will not only help you land the job but more importantly help you land a job you love!

How to Get the Job: LinkedIn

What I learned in the first few minutes of the LinkedIn section of this class was that

1. I knew NOTHING about LinkedIn and

2. I was behind because I was a 4th year without a LinkedIn account.

Luckily the School of Communication provides an excellent, detailed rubric of what is expected on a LinkedIn. Some of the less common things one might consider when thinking about LinkedIn are groups. We learned how valuable groups are to your profile. Not only will it fill your feed with relevant articles to your chosen field, it will also connect you to others in that field who might even be able to offer you a job or refer you to someone who is looking to fill your dream position. Besides what is outlined in the rubric such as recommendations, endorsements, and a bio, I learned how valuable LinkedIn is in the workplace. I didn’t realize that LinkedIn is almost the new resume. Yes, you’re still expected to bring in an updated resume to interviews. However, hiring managers scan your profile before and after interviews. Also, I learned of its value when trying to connect with people. If there is someone who has your dream position, you can find them and message them simply asking to connect or for an informational interview. You would be surprised at how many people don’t take advantage of LinkedIn networking. I truly think that one of the most valuable sections of business and professional communication was creating a more well rounded LinkedIn profile.

A well rounded LinkedIn profile helps you stand out in the business world and make valuable connections that may lead to job opportunities.

How to Keep the Job: Communication in the workplace

With a new job or internship comes many new responsibilities. This course helped me adjust to these new responsibilities and succeed in my internship. Internships are usually your first introduction to a business setting. Every business is different but there are always written or unwritten rules on how to appropriately conduct yourself at the office. As a new intern, these rules may be unfamiliar to you. If you’re ever unsure of how to communicate or act, it is never a bad idea to ask a co-worker or supervisor. During my internship, I found selecting the right medium to ask questions through or send my finished work to my supervisor the most overwhelming.

In COM 310 we read the textbook Strategic Communication at Work by Dr. Jennifer Waldeck. Dr. Waldeck provides a helpful checklist on how to select the right medium in the workplace.

  1. Understand the goals and nature of your message
  2. Consider your audience, their preferences and accessibility to mediums
  3. Determine the urgency of your message
  4. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of each medium, do they allow instant feedback or convey emotions
  5. Select the medium, send the message, and check for feedback

This checklist comes in handy daily and works for multiple workplace scenarios. It is important to appropriately communicate in the workplace as communication is a valuable skill that can help you develop workplace relations and connections for future opportunities.


Multiple means of communication mediums in the workplace can make choosing the right one overwhelming.

How to Love the Job: Understanding Corporate Culture

Everything you will learn in this class about professionalism and workplace communication will be for nothing if you do not understand corporate culture and how it will affect your work experience. Corporate culture is the set of artifacts, values, and assumptions that emerge from the interactions of organizational members. Put simply, corporate culture is the beliefs and behaviors that determines how a company’s employees interact and the environment through which business is done. Every organization has their own unique culture. This culture can be anything from how people communicate in the office to the physical office furniture that employees work in. There are 8 main components that make up a company’s culture.  For example, one of the 8 components of corporate culture are the company’s “rituals”. These rituals are activities highlighted in the organization that can be anything from daily staff meetings to Friday nerf-gun office wars. It is important to understand the company’s corporate culture-even before the interview. During the hiring process, the employer will screen you to see if you will be the right fit and perfect candidate for the job. It is equally important for you, the interviewee, to determine if the company is the right fit for you. In order to tell if an organization is a good fit, you must understand their company culture. Making sure the company’s culture aligns with your personality and values will help you create a lasting relationship between with your employer. This is extremely important because if your personality and core values do not align with the company’s culture you will most likely be unhappy and dissatisfied with your job. Once you find the dream job, make sure it will also be with the dream company.

Understanding your company’s corporate culture will help you love your job.

At Chapman University we have many career preparation resources at our fingertips. The opportunity to spend time improving your job candidacy in a classroom setting is one that should be taken advantage of. professors within the School of Communication know what employers are looking for in interns and employees. I would highly recommend taking COM 310 to gain business connections and learn professional skills you will need to prepare for your dream job!