My name is Jasmin Sani and I’m a rising Senior pursuing a degree in Strategic and Corporate Communication as well as Broadcast Journalism and Documentary. Given the overlap and the skills I’ve garnered from these two majors, I applied and was accepted as a Video Production intern at FanFlex. FanFlex specializes in bridging the gap between artists and venues and helps artists book shows at venues.

The major concern up-and-coming musicians experience is the fear of booking a show, not being able to sell out, and having to pay the venue out-of-pocket for the empty seats. FanFlex provides an innovative app for fans to purchase tickets and for artists to be presented with user data. This data helps the artists understand their target fan audience’s preferences and purchase intent in order to help them shape their anticipated tour route.

As FanFlex’s Video Production intern, my primary responsibilities revolved around producing daily content that can be used for their Instagram and Twitter account. Whether it be testimonials from past shows, show promo, venue promo, or podcast promo, I was heavily involved in every moving visual content that was released on their social media accounts.

One of the largest – and most rewarding – assignments I took on was the website promo. FanFlex is expanding their outreach and successfully partnering with more venues while improving their app functionality for their artist clients. I was given the opportunity to create a promo for the new website launching in the near future, which will provide more detailed statistics for artists and sleeker UX and advanced UI design.

When working on promo videos, I would primarily utilize After Effects and Premiere Pro to create animations and interactive text.

By enrolling in SCC 305 – Marketing Through the Communicator’s Lens – and SCC 200 – Message Design I – I was able to draw upon the principles and lessons taught to create a comprehensive website promotion that can connect with FanFlex’s target audience and motivate them to sign up with their platform. When combined with my courses at the Dodge College of Film and Media Arts, my inclination to marketing and video production met in a perfect unison to allow me to engage and interact with my creative abilities.

I had a wonderful experience working at FanFlex and building good relationships with the other interns. Even though it was a little bit more difficult to get to know each other in a remote setting, after a few weeks, we were happily texting away in a group chat and forming professional friendships.

That wasn’t the only perk of the internship though, as my favorite takeaway actually revolves around the individuals we were able to meet over the virtual meetings. Throughout the internship, Erik and Gian – my internship advisors – invited a new weekly guest speaker for us to ask questions and network with. The guest speakers were already established individuals in the music industry, shared their stories with us and were all open to answering any questions we had.

During the internship, Erik and Gian – our internship advisors – would invite a new weekly guest speaker for us to ask questions and network with. Kwazi Hewlett works at iHeartRadio and shared his experience working up to where he is now in the music industry.

The work experience and organizational culture at FanFlex surpassed any expectations I previously had – especially given the remote setting. Despite the coronavirus pandemic and its severe setback on forming co-worker relationships and feelings of efficacy and belonging to the company, none of these components applied to me. When I pursue my next profession, I know I’ll take these experiences and newfound skills with me wherever I go.