174 posts categorized in



My journey to Chapman’s School of Communication Student Advisory Board Spotlight: Colleen Penaluna '20

January 4, 2019 by | Students

Colleen Penaluna is a Communication Studies major and member of the School of Communication Student Advisory Board. The SAB advocates for the needs of students in the SoC by serving as the student voice to the administration and generating and implementing programs and initiatives designed to enhance the student experience within the School. Have questions,

The Local Commuter Gal Student Advisory Board Spotlight: Sarah Downey '20

January 2, 2019 by | Students

Sarah Downey is a Strategic and Corporate Communication major and member of the School of Communication Student Advisory Board. The SAB advocates for the needs of students in the SoC by serving as the student voice to the administration and generating and implementing programs and initiatives designed to enhance the student experience within the School.

Utilizing your Intellectual Curiosity My Path to Undergraduate Research

July 11, 2018 by | Students

When intellectual curiosity meets persistence, anything is achievable. During Fall of my sophomore year, I enrolled in Research Methods with Dr. Keith Weber simply expecting a tough but practical class that I would soon forget; rather, that was the beginning of my love affair with the integration of statistics, theory, and experimentation into the single

Yes, I have a minor in Art History. No, I do not paint. Anything Can Be Complementary, Minor in What You Love.

December 29, 2017 by | Students

by Patrick Smith, SCC’18 As a Strategic and Corporate Communication major, I’ve taken a wide range of classes such as Message Design, Risk and Crisis Communication, Theories of Persuasion, Organizational Communication, Advertising and Promotion Strategy, and International Marketing. Talk about being well-rounded, ha! I’d like to propose, however, that I would not have learned so

Why I Became a Communication Major

December 12, 2017 by | Students

When I first entered college, I was confident about what I wanted to do with my life. I was studying political science with the intent to go to law school following my undergraduate degree. As I was moving in that direction I began to reconsider whether it was the best fit for me and my

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