Interning at LiveMore Organics

December 2, 2020 by | Internships

Hi! My name is Paloma and I’m a senior majoring in Strategic and Corporate Communication with a double minor in French and IES. I’ve been interning at LiveMore Organics since January of 2020 as their Social Media/Marketing Coordinator. I found the internship through Handshake when I was studying abroad in Rome my junior year. Shortly


Delightful Internship at ListReports

December 2, 2020 by | Internships

Delightful. That is the first word that comes to mind after successfully completing my internship at ListReports, a real estate marketing platform. I am Claudia De La Macorra, majoring in Strategic and Corporate Communication with a double minor in Sociology and Entrepreneurship. I am in my last semester at Chapman and I had the privilege


Do You Have the 5 Characteristics of Successful Young Entrepreneurs?

November 24, 2020 by | Career Advice

When you have control over your life and time, you just naturally feel more confident, joyful, and engaged with your work. Whether you decide to start your venture or find great satisfaction on-the-job for an employer, thinking in an entrepreneurial way will give you a path to success. Entrepreneurs are typically known for “finding their


Can You Pass the Jeff Bezos Job Interview Test?

October 26, 2020 by | Career Advice

What do CEOs ask their recruiters and hiring managers about the final candidates competing for a job or internship? In a letter to his shareholders, Jeff Bezos shared the grilling he gives someone who is recommending a job candidate for his company. Below you’ll find his questions and some tips that will get you to


11 Steps that Lead to the Ideal Job or Internship

September 23, 2020 by | Career Advice

You can bring any internship, job, or career question to your career advisor. I am ready to help you with a myriad of challenges, ideas, discovery exercises, or whatever is on your mind – especially during this “interesting” time in the working world. From “what career is right for me?” to setting up the ideal


Get the Early Internship and Career Advising Advantage

August 21, 2020 by | Career Advice

Successful executives and entrepreneurs embody this famous sentiment, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Famous athletes spend hours practicing how to hit a game winning shot in a championship game. Mega social media influencers write, shoot, and edit a ton of content before they gain their first 100 followers. All performers know the


An Internship in the Time of Online Everything

August 12, 2020 by | Uncategorized

Hi!  My name is Katie Cormier and I’m a Communication Studies major, with the Honors Program as my minor.  This is my second year here at Chapman (I transferred in 2019), and I’ll be starting as a Senior this coming Fall.  I have an internship at Omics LIVE’s 60 Seconds online magazine, where I’m currently


Shortcut to Getting LinkedIn Testimonials

August 6, 2020 by | Career Advice

Not everyone who knows you and likes you can take the time to write a recommendation for you. Unfortunately, your requests for recommendations on LinkedIn might be ignored until your contacts have a moment to reflect on what you do well and put it down into words. While there are ways to make it easier


The Only 3 Things that Matter in a Job Interview

July 17, 2020 by | Career Advice

Every movie has three parts. Same with a book. A poem. A song. And life. The three parts they all share are a: 1) beginning, 2) middle, and 3) end. A job interview or networking conversation have the same three parts. Each part plays a specific role in creating an impression and helping you get


This Land is Our Land

July 15, 2020 by | Career Advice

Unless you are famous, no one hopes to receive an email that starts off with your name. For example, Tabitha Weston immediately loses the attention of her recipient, when she writes: “Hi, I’m Tabitha Weston, a recent graduate of Chapman University.” Now, if you are – or when you are – a highly visible expert

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