Excited for Ahhnold?  So are we.  Learn how to get your questions to the front of the line for the Q&A with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kim Jee-woon, and alumnus Andy Knauer later this week!

As you already know, Busan West has some
really exciting guests this year

In addition to the martial arts discussion panel, martial arts retrospective, short film competition, opening and closing night ceremonies, and much more, our opening film will be followed with a Q&A featuring the film’s director (Kim Jee-woon), star (Arnold Schwarzenegger), and M.F.A. alum and
Last Stand

screenwriter (Andy Knauer)

Because of time constraints, we won’t be able to take many questions from the audience, but
you can submit your questions now to be considered by moderatoActor Arnold Schwarzenegger and THE LAST STAND director Kim Jee-Woonr Peter Debruge
senior film critic for Variety

For those of you who attended Women in Focus last year, we
had some fantastic questions for the panelists
submitted beforehand, and we’re doing it again this year for Busan West!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Submit your questions by noon on Friday:
    • Tweet your question using #BusanWest, or
    • Add a comment to this post (make sure to log in with your real name), or
    • Add a comment to one of the links on Facebook
  2. Mention who the question is for (Andy, Arnold, or Jee-woon)
  3. Include your name (if you want it read on stage)
  4. Use the share buttons above to share this post
  5. The best questions will be asked by the moderator, Peter DeBruge, on stage at Busan West!

Don’t forget,
students can get most of their tickets free
.  We’re looking forward to a great weekend!

See you at the party, Richter.