A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to tag along with Professor Eric Young and the students from his Cross Cultural Filmmaking course on a tour of the Walt Disney Studios. Young, who used to work there as Director of Post Production, arranged the tour so the South Korean students could see what it was like to work on the Disney lot.

The students were visiting for two weeks to make films alongside Dodge College students, to help broaden their horizons when it comes to different filmmaking processes.

“Simply stated, the travel exchange courses are extraordinary,” Young said. “Though the initial focus is making films abroad, the greater value is the students’ experience with another culture and the lasting friendships they develop with one another.  I’m a huge fan of this program and have thoroughly enjoyed the three exchanges I’ve taught to date.”

During the tour, the students were able to check out various sound stages (one of which was about to be turned into a game show set), the Walt Disney Archives, the Disney Legends Plaza, and the massive foley stage. Of course, lunch was enjoyed at the Commissary, before a quick trip to the gift shop for some great gifts to take home.