24 students. 12 days. 2 cities. 1 incredible adventure.

Led by our fearless leader, Pete Weitzner, “Networking in New York and DC” is a travel course dedicated to creating networking opportunities for broadcast journalism students. It’s a perfect glimpse into the world of television.

For me, taking this class has been a dream since freshman year. The opportunity to have a taste of NBC, CBS, ESPN, and more, is everything I have ever craved. Plus, spending two weeks in New York and Washington, D.C. isn’t a bad gig.

Over the course of the past two weeks, we’ve visited so many incredible places. Because of the sheer amount of them, I have highlighted aspects of them below.

We were able to tour sets guided by a fellow Chapman alum, sit in-studio during New Day, had a Q&A session with CNN talent, and even stand within 20 feet of Anderson Cooper during his special report on the Paris terrorist attacks.


A fellow Chapman alum took us around the entire office where we were able to tour multiple sets and hang out in the control room.

CBS This Morning:
We toured the entire news floor, had a Q&A with talent from This Morning and their new digital platform, and took plenty of photos on set.


CBS Sports:
We were lucky enough to hang out with all the big guys before their halftime report for the Dallas/Packers game.


We had a Q&A with both the Senior Talent Recruiting Director and correspondent for Nightly News, Harry Smith.

Daily Show with John Stewart


Late Show with David Letterman

The VP gave us a tour of their brand new building, including their pricey new sets. We then had lunch, paid for by the VP, before having a Q&A with him. We ended the visit with a free shopping spree in the ESPN gear closet. Safe to say, the VP is AMAZING!


Bleacher Report:
A fellow Chapman alum took us all around their office, and even allowed us to sit in on him anchoring in the studio.


NY Stock Exchange:
No explanation needed.

We had a special tour around the studio, including a sneak peek of a project they’re working on and had a Q&A with several top employees.

Washington, D.C.:
We had a tour of the Capitol, Arlington Cemetery, National Archives, the Smithsonian, and an evening tour of the monuments.


Besides all of the traveling and networking, we were also creating a newscast. The entire class was divided into four groups and was given several stories to cover in NYC via a scavenger hunt. After being given hints, each student embarked on a journey through the city with their camera, tripod, and microphone. Needless to say, we were kept very busy through out our 12 days.

Overall, this class was a once in a lifetime experience. From meeting top network executives, to getting a taste of history, to practicing our craft in the number one television market, this will surely be an experience we will never forget.

                                          (Hosts for the Networking in NY/DC trip signing off)