Intel Says Dodge Is On Leading Edge Of Movies
June 8, 2015
Intel recently published an article about Dodge College is on the forefront of the digital movie-making age. They praised us for keeping up with technology, and using on-the-go powerhouse work stations to help students capture things they need on location, as opposed to being stuck on a sound stage.
From the article:
The film production students are helping to transform the economics of motion capture and give creative artists new flexibility and power. Film makers can capture more exciting motion and interact more with the actual world they’re filming. Mobile computing also extends the film community’s ability to collaborate, producing more exciting products more quickly.
The digital era of filmmaking means IT plays a bigger role on the movie set, according to Chapman University’s Dan Leonard, professor, associate dean, and chief technology officer of Dodge College. “You almost need an IT professional on set these days,” Leonard explains. A digital intermediate technician or DIT is typically on the set daily to manage digital media and transcoding. Chapman students use mobile workstations for smaller DIT projects or sets where space is limited.
You can read the entire article here.