Drawing on personal experience, Garfield Wang (MFA/FP ’18), brings the emotions surrounding injustice to life in his film, Man in Focus. The film tells an emotional story, connecting audiences with a well-intentioned character, who was in the right place at the wrong time. The film, based on true events, shows how preconceived notions and public opinion can ruin a person’s life.

Wang, was born in a small province in China, and knows firsthand the sting of prejudice, “I experienced discrimination when I went to bigger cities like Beijing and Shanghai, people made false assumptions about me, being from a poorer province, that I was a thief or a liar. And that is why this story made me mad because I could feel for the character.”

After years of schooling, obtaining two bachelor’s degrees, one in finance, Wang took a year off between his first and second year of graduate school. “I had been in school for so long, and I wanted to see if I learned anything and what the industry was like.” Wang returned, armed with a better understanding of his passions and a clearer perspective. “Before my year off I was doing sci-fi and thriller films,” says Wang. “I was like a high school kid, but in my 20’s. In my year off, working full time in China, I matured.”

The time away was necessary, “Now, I’m focused on real-life dramas instead of thrillers, I can relate more to it more than say, an exorcism.”

Wang’s film, Man in Focus, screens Saturday, March 10th at 7 p.m. in the Folino Theater for the Grad Thesis Cycle 1 & 2 Film Screenings. If you are unable to attend stream them here.