Dodge College is offering a really exciting new program for cinephiles looking to maximize their education!

Traditionally, a student who is interested in a degree in Film Studies would take a very typical route through College, taking the four year program we offer, and taking some time away from school to enter the workplace, or prepare for a more in-depth round of academia in the future.

But frequently, our students become so passionate with what they’re learning both in the classroom and on-set, that they move straight from undergraduate into graduate work — and it’s for these dedicated, motivated students, that we’ve designed a new program called “4+1”.

Essentially, the idea is to allow students to apply the core classes to both degrees, while allowing undergraduate students the option to take strictly Graduate-level classes.  This more in-depth focus can have huge advantages, and not just in terms of saving time; with an expanded timeframe to choose your classes, you’ll have many more options to take the niche electives that really inspire you;  you’ll college career will overlap with other students, expanding your opportunities to network and participate in productions enormously; your time will culminate in a thesis work which will benefit from the uninterrupted period of study, enabling you to probe far deeper into an issue or topic than you otherwise could.

All this means you’re far more likely to get published, invited to academic conferences, land a job at a prestigious film society, or secure your love of film as a tastemaker in print or festivals!

“Graduate-level film study is extremely important to a wide variety of careers in demand today, but there simply aren’t the kind of specific degrees that would lead to a young student joining a museum, critical publication, or professional film archive,” says Film Studies Professor Emily Carman.  “The student who is dedicated, hard-working, and driven to this kind of work, is exactly who this program is meant for.”

For those of you interested in our brand new program, here are the details you need to know:
Application Requirements:

Must apply spring of their junior year
Must have at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA
Must submit a paper from a upper division film studies course
Must submit two faculty references (not including Dr. Carman and Dr. Lee)

*Second round students who are selected will also need to do interview with Dr. Carman and Dr. Lee before a final decision is made.

Academic Requirements:

Must be a film studies major or:
Must be a student in the film division of Dodge College and have taken two upper division film studies classes or:
A student not in these two categories must be in good standing to complete a film studies minor by the end of the fall of their senior year.