Something tells me you’re likely to have some free time in the next few weeks – meaning now is the perfect time to see what opportunities you can create in 2014.  This year, we want to give you a leg up by connecting you to The Sprite Refreshing Filmmaker Contest, which is revamped for 2014 and back with brand-new prizes!

Objective: The Sprite Films™ initiative seeks to provide opportunities for up and coming film students across America, and to showcase their talent while expressing a point of view through short film. Sprite® is challenging students from top film schools to develop a 50-second film (“Film”) to compete for a chance to work on a contract job for a Sprite brand project with an agency that does business with The Coca-Cola Company, and have their Film screened nationally across select theaters.

Tagline:  “For the Thirsty”

Theme and Tone:  Urban mindset that is authentic, expressive and inspiring.

The 50-second film is not intended to be a commercial and should not look like one.  It should be an engaging piece of content that organically includes Sprite brand visual identity elements or product. . Whatever direction you take, be sure to elevate the concept of leaving one’s mark on the world through self-expression.

Students will be designing 60-second branded spots; these are not commercials, but creative and entertaining short films that feature the brand in them.  Winners will receive a production job with the Coca-Cola Company AND will have their film screened in 23,000 theaters this summer.  Additionally, the Fan Favorite team will win a trip for 4 to AFI Fest, and Green Ribbon Panel winners will collaborate with the Sprite branding team on a future agency project.  To see last year’s winning spot and finalists, check out the Sprite Refreshing Filmmaker website.

Read through these requirements below:

  • Students can apply as an individual or as a team of two.  It is highly recommend that you consider this option if it will help make the application stronger. At least one of the applicants must be a film major.
  • Storyboards are required. They have a required template outlined in their Powerpoint presentation for students (download link), which you can download here.  Remember, they are not judging the artwork itself. The storyboards are submitted to help bring the script to life. You are welcome to create storyboards with photography, illustration, etc.
  • This year the budget is not a requirement but they highly suggest that each student submit one (download link). Please remember to look at the limitations on actors and the SAG actors payment which is required by the program. The powerpoint program brief provides those details.
  • All applications require a school signature. Please email your application to me, Derek Horne, at I’ll review your application and sign it if your project meets the requirements. Then he will email the signed application back to you so that you can submit it with all of your other materials.
  • Students are welcome to submit examples of their work or other short films as part of their application. This is not required but is recommended. If a student submits more than one application than he/she should submit their examples of work with each application.
  • Students will need to submit everything by January 10, 2014 at 11:59pm EST. Applications will be sent to a new email address this year –

This is a fantastic opportunity for film students across all our disciplines, as the exposure a truly national contest/campaign can rocket a young filmmaker straight to the top of every creative executive’s recruitment list sooner than you can say “viral video.”  And of course, with the holiday break right in the middle of their call for entries, students looking for a project during the December/January down time have no reason not to put their skills to the test.

With free time, few rules, and nearly unlimited creative potential, we can’t wait to see what you’ll produce!

Appendix: Sprite Contest support documents: