On February 27, Dodge College hosted an Entertainment Industry Career Panel as part of Parent Spring Summit. We invited families of our currents students to Marion Knott Studios and the Digital Media Arts Center to help them understand what exactly their students do in class and how they can help them reach their specific entertainment-related goals.

The panelists, all Dodge College Alum, spoke of how students’ hard work now will pay off in their career, and included topics such as:

  • Personalized career progression- a Dodge College degree can lead every student in a different direction, but the student has ample opportunity to shape the degree however they want.
  • Getting a foot in the door- importance of internships and meeting people
  • Opportunities that Chapman/Dodge offers- screenings, speakers, study abroad/travel courses, grants/awards, clubs, etc.
  • How Dodge College made it all possible for them to be successful in “the real world” outside of Chapman

The panel was moderated by Professor Jim Frederick, and included Bogart Avila (BA/Public Relations and Advertising ’14), who is a Junior Strategist at 72andSunny, Katie Mathewson (BA/Screenwriting ’11), who is a writer’s assistant on @midnight, Kendall Taubin (BA/Public Relations and Advertising and BFA/Creative Producing ’14), who is a producer at Industry Creative, and Kyle Castellanet (BFA/Film Production ’15), who is an assistant at Paradigm Talent Agency.

You can watch the entire panel below: