18 posts tagged



Chapman Filmed Entertainment in Production on Next Feature

July 24, 2018 by | CFE

Production is in full swing on Chapman Filmed Entertainment‘s (CFE) next feature, Static, written by CD Carpenter and directed by Chapman alumna Miriam Anwari (MFA/FP ’17). The film focuses on Adrian, a young female radio host whose interview for her college radio station goes viral when she uncovers the dark secret of an up and coming musician. Production began on July

Thesis Spotlight: Calamity Falls

March 19, 2018 by | Film Production

Sound Stage B was recently home to the senior thesis film, Calamity Falls, written and directed by Hadley Hillel (BFA/FP ’18). This film is a fantasy drama about a young girl coping with the recent loss of her parents. This production used the largest backdrop seen by Dodge College. The backdrop, depicting a hillside overlooking the ocean,

Facing Fear at Pitch Fest 2017: A Personal Account

May 5, 2017 by Erica Nusgart | Uncategorized

Before registering for the “Development Process for Film and TV Class,” I assumed it would follow the structure of our previous coursework. Write, edit, rinse and repeat. For me, typically, the hardest part would stem and be rooted in, constructive criticism. Though criticism continues to be a personal challenge, I’ve adapted to learning how to

Intel Says Dodge Is On Leading Edge Of Movies

June 8, 2015 by | Academics

Intel recently published an article about Dodge College is on the forefront of the digital movie-making age. They praised us for keeping up with technology, and using on-the-go powerhouse work stations to help students capture things they need on location, as opposed to being stuck on a sound stage. From the article: The film production

Long Story Short, Chapman Duo Creates YouTube Success

March 24, 2014 by | Alumni

A duo that describes themselves as “not funny at all” and say if they wrote a comedy for YouTube it would die, is, in itself, a funny statement looking at the success of Chapman duo Almog Avidan Antonir (BFA/Film Prod.’13) and Tom Assam-Miller’s (BFA/Screen Acting’14) latest web series Long Story Short. Citing dry humor and

John Chichester: Imaging and Creating the World of a Film

November 26, 2013 by | Film Production

A self-described “introvert who learned to be an extrovert,” John Chichester first found the path to self-expression when he took up drawing — at age two, littering his house with sketches. Though he later dreamed of being a cartoonist, Chichester’s career ultimately led him to the movies, where he designed everything from

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