As my first year in Chapman’s College of Educational Studies doctoral program comes to a close, my entire perspective of the world has changed. I now view our society from a different lens, understanding that there is much work to do in the field of education with regards to social justice, equity, and liberatory pedagogy.  I entered this doctorate program unsure of where my interests in queer theory and multicultural education would lead me; however, I have discovered that within these two realms, among others, there are a great deal of investigative themes left uncharted.  Furthermore, I have come to understand how my own subjectivity is vital as I progress in this personal academic adventure.

Being a fulltime working professional and pursuing a doctoral degree has not been an easy task; nonetheless, the overall environment at Chapman University has made this transitional year a great experience.  The professors are extremely supportive and they take a genuine interest in our wellbeing, research interests, and academic growth.  The cohort model has allowed us to collaborate, participate in dialogue, and learn from each other in order to contribute to the empirical conversation.  These two support systems, along with my family and loved ones, have made this challenging program feasible.  In retrospect, I have learned a great deal about myself as a result of participating in this doctorate program and look forward to what the next three years have in store for me.

Henry Alexander Santos, Cohort 2011