The CES is happy to announce that two of our faculty have been selected as Fulbright Specialists for the upcoming year. These prestigious awards will allow them to continue their work in the fields of disability studies and school psychology.

Susan Gabel, Ph.D., Professor and the new Director of the Ph.D. in Education and internationally known for her work in disability studies, has received a Fulbright Specialist grant to visit the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, in late May and early June of 2013. Her project will include guest lecturing, collaborating with Canterbury’s faculty and students on policy and inclusive education as well as delivering the keynote speech at the 12th annual Disability Studies in Education international conference.

Michael Hass, Ph.D., Professor of School Psychology, has been recognized as an official candidate to become a Fulbright Specialist. Dr. Hass will use the award to continue his work in School Psychology in Vietnam.

The Fulbright Specialist Program (FSP) promotes linkages between U.S. academics and professionals and their counterparts at host institutions overseas. The program is designed to award grants to qualified U.S. faculty and professionals, in select disciplines, to engage in short-term collaborative 2 to 6 week projects at host institutions in over 100 countries worldwide. International travel costs and a stipend are funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Participating host institutions cover grantee in-country expenses or provide in-kind services.

Project activities focus on strengthening and supporting the development needs of host institutions abroad and do not fund personal or clinical medical research and related projects involving patient contact.