The College of Educational Studies’ dean, Dr. Margaret Grogan, has been honored by the prestigious Edu-Scholar’s Public Influence Rankings. Dean Grogan was listed as number 116 of 200 scholars nationwide from more than 20,000 university-based faculty tackling educational questions in the United States. Published in Education Week, the rankings recognize scholars who had the biggest influence on the nation’s education discourse last year. More than 50 universities were represented, including faculty at Harvard, Stanford and Columbia.

Dr. Grogan is an international researcher with more than two decades of experience in teaching and education leadership. Her current research focuses on women in leadership, gender and education, moral and ethical dimensions of leadership, and leadership for social justice.

Dr. Grogan became the fourth dean of the CES last July. She says her new role is to shine a light on the existing stellar work being done already by CES faculty and to ensure that the college gets the recognition it deserves. “I am at Chapman and the CES because of the very forward-thinking, enlightened practitioner-scholars who are dedicating their research and teaching to challenging the status quo through their commitment to the CES motto: Changing education, changing the world.”

Congratulations to Dean Grogan!