Dean Don Cardinal, College of Educational Studies at Chapman University and Barry Kanpol, former dean in the College of Education and Public Policy at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW), wanted to see how the faculty at two universities, could work together to edit a series of books. The successful outcome of the ‘experiment’ is the release, by Peter Lang Publishing, of a trilogy of books that are a response to the Obama Administration as it relates to educational issues.

Kanpol says the books, which are under the Critical Education and Ethics category at the publishing house, are about “…how the Obama administration needs to respond to the dire educational conditions of the present times. The books are directives in nature and were sent to the president as well as other noted policy makers and colleagues in the educational community.”

Cardinal adds, “The resulting synergy from purposeful collaboration of faculty members and doctoral students between our two universities has been highly rewarding for all. The faculty and students in the College of Educational Studies at Chapman University sought to engage in important national policy debate through scholarly inquiry to further its mission of Changing Education, Changing the World.  Working together with IPFW we believe we have made important strides toward that mission.”

The books are (bold designates a Chapman University College of Educational Studies Faculty Member, Faculty Associate, or doctoral student):

optimism-and-civilityThe Hope for Audacity: Recapturing Optimism and Civility in Education

• Edited by Terri Jo Swim,
Keith Howard
, and Il-Hee Kim

Chris Strople, doctoral student
, Expanding the Realm
• K
eith Howard, Ph.D.
, Hybrid Technology Classrooms for Mathematics Instruction


public-identityThe Hope for Audacity: Public Identity and Equity Action in Education

• Edited by
Lilia D. Monzo
and Alice Merz

Margie Curwen, Ph.D.
, Middle-Class Latinos Opting for the American Creed: Stories of Hope

Lilia D. Monzo, Ph.D.
, &
Suzanne SooHoo, Ph.D.
, A Wink or a Nod, Mr. President? A Call of the President’s Consideration of Race

Anaida Colon-Muniz, Ed.D.
Norma Valenzuela, doctoral student
, Bilingual Education as an EEO: Educational Enrichment Opportunity for All

Anna Wilson, Ph.D.
Veronica Bloomfield, doctoral student
, “Equality for All” Means Classrooms, Too
• Mary McNeil, Ed.D. &
Ann Nevin, Ph.D.
, Dear Mr. President: Please Keep Hope Alive
• Debbie Tye, MEd,
Ken Tye, Ed.D.
Barbara Tye, Ed.D.
, The Slow Death of the American Teacher

Penny S. Bryan, Ph.D.
, Olivia Hayes, MAE & 16 doctoral candidates

cynicism-to-hope-2The Hope for Audacity: From Cynicism to Hope in Educational Leadership and Policy
• Edited by Stella C. Batagiannis, Barry Kanpol, and Anna V. Wilson
Kenneth Tye, Ed.D., Introduction
Tom Wilson, Ph.D. & Marisol Rexach, doctoral student, Obama Drama: A Play among Hope, Education, and Discontinuity
Penny S. Bryan, Ph.D., Democracy’s Hope