As I write this blog I am all-at-once happy and misty-eyed at the thought of the upcoming commencement.  It brings happy memories of a hopeful time, full of promise.  Much like a wedding, graduation symbolizes the beginning of the rest of your life.  However, I must admit I did not realize this at the time.  Back then the word “commencement” was the equivalent to finished, done, don’t have to go to class anymore, and I’m outta here!  Of course, I now clearly see that commencement is exactly what the word implies- a starting point for something new.

Upon receiving my Bachelor’s degree, I was fortunate enough to share my graduation day with my mother, who received her Master’s on the same day.  We both attended the same university.   For my Master’s, I was just glad to be done.  The reality of teaching full time, raising a family, and studying was a bit too much.  I now find myself at the tail end of my PhD journey.  This time it is different.  This time I chose to study because I wanted to learn for the sake of learning.  I wanted to engage in conversations and experiences that my everyday life did not promise.  This time when I have the privilege of graduating, I vow to savor the experience.  I will sit in that moment and listen to the speeches.  I will be present.

I think about my past commencement ceremonies and struggle to recall any memorable words of wisdom.  None come to mind.  I do not envy those whose task it is to deliver these speeches; it is a formidable assignment.  What would I say?  What have others said when given the opportunity?  I thought it would be interesting to research this a bit. In doing so, I discovered several websites featuring commencement speeches.  Along with the links, I have also included some excerpts from humorous speeches here.

Conan O’Brien

Dartmouth College, 2011 Commencement

Before I begin, I must point out that behind me sits a highly admired president of the United States and decorated war hero while I, a cable television talk show host, has been chosen to stand here and impart wisdom. I pray I never witness a more damning example of what is wrong with America today.

Amy Poehler

Harvard University, 2011 Commencement

Friends, Romans, countrymen: lend me your beers. I am honored that you chose me to help you celebrate your graduation today. I can only assume I am here today because of my subtle and layered work in a timeless classic entitled ‘Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo.’ And for that I say, you’re welcome.

Ellen DeGeneres

Tulane University, 2009 Commencement

When I was asked to make the commencement speech, I immediately said yes. Then I went to look up what commencement meant…. I thought that you had to be a famous alumnus, alumini, aluminum, alumnis — you had to graduate from this school. And I didn’t go to college here, and I don’t know if President Cowan knows, I didn’t go to any college at all. Any college. And I’m not saying you wasted your time, or money, but look at me, I’m a huge celebrity….

I’m here because of you. Because I can’t think of a more tenacious, more courageous graduating class. I mean, look at you all, wearing your robes. Usually when you’re wearing a robe at 10 in the morning, it means you’ve given up.

So, as you prepare to walk at your commencement, soak in the experience and live in the moment… and remember to always wear sunscreen!